Source code for faust.utils.urls

"""URL utilities - Working with URLs."""

from typing import List, Optional, Union

from yarl import URL

URIListArg = Union[str, URL, List[URL], List[str]]

[docs]def urllist(arg: URIListArg, *, default_scheme: Optional[str] = None) -> List[URL]: """Create list of URLs. You can pass in a comma-separated string, or an actual list and this will convert that into a list of :class:`yarl.URL` objects. """ if not arg: raise ValueError("URL argument cannot be falsy") if isinstance(arg, URL): # handle scalar URL argument. arg = [arg] elif isinstance(arg, str): # Handle scalar str, including comma and semi-colon separated lists of URLs. urls = arg.replace(",", ";").split(";") # When some of the URLs do not have a scheme, we use # the first scheme we find as the default scheme. # For example: # a:9092;kafka://b:9092;c:9092;d:9092 # turns into # kafka://a:9092 # kafka://b:9092 # kafka://c:9092 # kafka://d:9092 # # we need to do this manually as the yarl.URL library # parses 'a:9092' as 'a://None:9092' so it thinks a is the # scheme and not the hostname. default_scheme = _find_first_actual_scheme(urls, default_scheme) arg = [_prepare_str_url(u, default_scheme) for u in urls] scheme = URL(arg[0]).scheme or default_scheme return [_ensure_scheme(scheme, URL(u)) for u in arg]
def _find_first_actual_scheme( urls: List[str], default_scheme: Optional[str] = None ) -> Optional[str]: for url in urls: scheme, sep, rest = url.partition("://") if sep: return scheme return default_scheme def _prepare_str_url(s: str, default_scheme: Optional[str] = None) -> str: # yarl.URL parses b:9092 into scheme=b,port=9092 # where we would expect it to be scheme=None,host=b,port=9092 if default_scheme: if "://" not in s: return f"{default_scheme}://{s}" return s def _ensure_scheme(default_scheme: Optional[str], url: Union[URL]) -> URL: """Ensure URL has a default scheme. An URL like "localhost" will be returned with the default scheme added, while an URL with existing scheme is returned unmodified. """ if default_scheme and not url.scheme: if url.is_absolute(): return url.with_scheme(default_scheme) else: return URL(f"{default_scheme}://{url}") return url