Source code for faust.utils.codegen

"""Utilities for generating code at runtime."""

from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Mapping, Tuple, cast

__all__ = [

MISSING = object()

[docs]def Function( name: str, args: List[str], body: List[str], *, globals: Dict[str, Any] = None, locals: Dict[str, Any] = None, return_type: Any = MISSING, argsep: str = ", ", ) -> Callable: """Compile function code object from args and body.""" return build_function( name=name, source=build_function_source( name=name, args=args, body=body, return_type=return_type, argsep=argsep, ), return_type=return_type, globals=globals, locals=locals, )
def build_closure_source( name: str, args: List[str], body: List[str], *, outer_name: str = "__outer__", outer_args: List[str] = None, closures: Dict[str, str], return_type: Any = MISSING, indentlevel: int = 0, indentspaces: int = 4, argsep: str = ", ", ) -> str: inner_source = build_function_source( name, args, body, return_type=return_type, indentlevel=indentlevel, indentspaces=indentspaces, argsep=argsep, ) closure_vars = [ f"{local_name} = {global_name}" for local_name, global_name in closures.items() ] outer_source = build_function_source( name=outer_name, args=outer_args or [], body=closure_vars + inner_source.split("\n") + [f"return {name}"], return_type=MISSING, indentlevel=indentlevel, indentspaces=indentspaces, argsep=argsep, ) return outer_source def build_closure( outer_name: str, source: str, *args: Any, return_type: Any = MISSING, globals: Dict[str, Any] = None, locals: Dict[str, Any] = None, ) -> Callable: assert locals is not None if return_type is not MISSING: locals["_return_type"] = return_type exec(source, globals, locals) # nosec: B102 obj = locals[outer_name](*args) obj.__sourcecode__ = source return cast(Callable, obj)
[docs]def build_function( name: str, source: str, *, return_type: Any = MISSING, globals: Dict[str, Any] = None, locals: Dict[str, Any] = None, ) -> Callable: """Generate function from Python from source code string.""" assert locals is not None if return_type is not MISSING: locals["_return_type"] = return_type exec(source, globals, locals) # nosec: B102 obj = locals[name] obj.__sourcecode__ = source return cast(Callable, obj)
[docs]def build_function_source( name: str, args: List[str], body: List[str], *, return_type: Any = MISSING, indentlevel: int = 0, indentspaces: int = 4, argsep: str = ", ", ) -> str: """Generate function source code from args and body.""" indent = " " * indentspaces curindent = indent * indentlevel nextindent = indent * (indentlevel + 1) return_annotation = "" if return_type is not MISSING: return_annotation = "->_return_type" bodys = "\n".join(f"{nextindent}{b}" for b in body) return ( f"{curindent}def {name}({argsep.join(args)}){return_annotation}:\n" f"{bodys}" )
[docs]def Method(name: str, args: List[str], body: List[str], **kwargs: Any) -> Callable: """Generate Python method.""" return Function(name, ["self"] + args, body, **kwargs)
[docs]def InitMethod(args: List[str], body: List[str], **kwargs: Any) -> Callable[[], None]: """Generate ``__init__`` method.""" return Method("__init__", args, body, return_type="None", **kwargs)
[docs]def HashMethod(attrs: List[str], **kwargs: Any) -> Callable[[], None]: """Generate ``__hash__`` method.""" self_tuple = obj_attrs_tuple("self", attrs) return Method("__hash__", [], [f"return hash({self_tuple})"], **kwargs)
[docs]def EqMethod(fields: List[str], **kwargs: Any) -> Callable[[], None]: """Generate ``__eq__`` method.""" return CompareMethod(name="__eq__", op="==", fields=fields, **kwargs)
[docs]def NeMethod(fields: List[str], **kwargs: Any) -> Callable[[], None]: """Generate ``__ne__`` method.""" return CompareMethod(name="__ne__", op="!=", fields=fields, **kwargs)
[docs]def GeMethod(fields: List[str], **kwargs: Any) -> Callable[[], None]: """Generate ``__ge__`` method.""" return CompareMethod(name="__ge__", op=">=", fields=fields, **kwargs)
[docs]def GtMethod(fields: List[str], **kwargs: Any) -> Callable[[], None]: """Generate ``__gt__`` method.""" return CompareMethod(name="__gt__", op=">", fields=fields, **kwargs)
[docs]def LeMethod(fields: List[str], **kwargs: Any) -> Callable[[], None]: """Generate ``__le__`` method.""" return CompareMethod(name="__le__", op="<=", fields=fields, **kwargs)
[docs]def LtMethod(fields: List[str], **kwargs: Any) -> Callable[[], None]: """Generate ``__lt__`` method.""" return CompareMethod(name="__lt__", op="<", fields=fields, **kwargs)
[docs]def CompareMethod( name: str, op: str, fields: List[str], **kwargs: Any ) -> Callable[[], None]: """Generate object comparison method. Excellent for ``__eq__``, ``__le__``, etc. Examples: The example: .. sourcecode:: python CompareMethod( name='__eq__', op='==', fields=['x', 'y'], ) Generates a method like this: .. sourcecode:: python def __eq__(self, other): if other.__class__ is self.__class__: return (self.x,self.y) == (other.x,other.y) return NotImplemented """ self_tuple = obj_attrs_tuple("self", fields) other_tuple = obj_attrs_tuple("other", fields) return Method( name, ["other"], [ "if other.__class__ is self.__class__:", f" return {self_tuple}{op}{other_tuple}", "return NotImplemented", ], **kwargs, )
def obj_attrs_tuple(obj_name: str, attrs: List[str]) -> str: """Draw Python tuple from list of attributes. If attrs is ``['x', 'y']`` and ``obj_name`` is 'self', returns ``(self.x,self.y)``. """ if not attrs: return "()" return f'({",".join([f"{obj_name}.{f}" for f in attrs])},)'
[docs]def reprkwargs( kwargs: Mapping[str, Any], *, sep: str = ", ", fmt: str = "{0}={1}" ) -> str: return sep.join(fmt.format(k, repr(v)) for k, v in kwargs.items())
[docs]def reprcall( name: str, args: Tuple = (), kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = {}, # noqa: B006 *, sep: str = ", ", ) -> str: return "{0}({1}{2}{3})".format( name, sep.join(map(repr, args or ())), (args and kwargs) and sep or "", reprkwargs(kwargs, sep=sep), )