Source code for faust.types.settings.params

import abc
import logging
import ssl
import typing
import warnings
from datetime import timedelta, timezone, tzinfo
from pathlib import Path as _Path
from typing import (

from mode import Seconds as _Seconds, want_seconds
from mode.utils.imports import SymbolArg, symbol_by_name
from mode.utils.logging import Severity as _Severity
from yarl import URL as _URL

from faust.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from faust.types.auth import CredentialsArg, CredentialsT, to_credentials
from faust.types.codecs import CodecArg, CodecT
from faust.utils import json
from faust.utils.urls import URIListArg, urllist

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from .sections import Section as _Section
    from .settings import Settings as _Settings

    class _Section: ...  # noqa

    class _Settings: ...  # noqa

__all__ = [

#: Default transport used when no scheme specified.

T = TypeVar("T")
IT = TypeVar("IT")  # Input type.
OT = TypeVar("OT")  # Output type.

BOOLEAN_TERMS: Mapping[str, bool] = {
    "": False,
    "false": False,
    "no": False,
    "0": False,
    "true": True,
    "yes": True,
    "1": True,
    "on": True,
    "off": False,

AutodiscoverArg = Union[
    Callable[[], Iterable[str]],

DictArg = Union[str, Mapping[str, T]]

URLArg = Union[str, _URL]
BrokerArg = URIListArg

Setting {} is deprecated since Faust version \
{self.version_deprecated}: {self.deprecation_reason}. {alt_removal}

Further the setting is scheduled to be removed in Faust version \

[docs]def to_bool( term: Union[str, bool], *, table: Mapping[str, bool] = BOOLEAN_TERMS ) -> bool: """Convert common terms for true/false to bool. Examples (true/false/yes/no/on/off/1/0). """ if table is None: table = BOOLEAN_TERMS if isinstance(term, str): try: return table[term.lower()] except KeyError: raise TypeError("Cannot coerce {0!r} to type bool".format(term)) return term
OutputCallable = Callable[[_Settings, OT], OT] OnDefaultCallable = Callable[[_Settings], IT]
[docs]class Param(Generic[IT, OT], property): """Faust setting desscription. Describes a Faust setting, how to read it from environment variables or from a configuration object. """ #: Textual description of setting type. #: This is used by :file:`extra/tools/` #: to display the types supported by this setting. #: #: Can be a tuple of actual classes, or a tuple of strings. #: If a tuple of classes say a setting that accepts :class:`str` #: and :class:`int`: #: #: .. sourcecode:: python #: #: text_type = (str, int) #: #: the generated description will be: #: #: .. sourcecode:: restructuredtext #: #: :type: :class:`str` / :class:`int` #: text_type: ClassVar[Tuple[Any, ...]] = (Any,) #: Setting name (e.g. ``broker_request_timeout``). name: str #: Storage name (e.g. ``_broker_request_timeout``). #: This is the attribute name where we'll be storing #: the actual value for the setting. #: For example ``Settings.broker_request_timeout`` will be a #: property that calls ``Param.__get__`` on attribute access, #: and ``.__set__`` when setting attribute value, and those #: will use the underlying ``Settings._broker_request_timeout`` #: storage attribute to access/store the current value. storage_name: str #: Default value for setting. #: #: Note that this will not be used if :attr:`default_alias` or #: :attr:`defaut_template` is set. default: IT = cast(IT, None) #: Environment variable name for setting. #: For :setting:`broker_request_timeout` this would be #: ``env_name="BROKER_REQUEST_TIMEOUT"`` env_name: Optional[str] = None #: If setting is not customized this is an optional #: list of other settings that we should take default value from. #: For example the :setting:`broker_consumer`/:setting:`broker_producer` #: settings can configure the broker URL for consumers and producers #: separately but take their default value from the `broker` setting. default_alias: Optional[str] = None #: Default template. #: If set the default value will be generated from this format string #: template. #: For example the :setting:`canonical_url` setting uses #: ``default_template='http://{conf.web_host}:{conf.web_port}' to #: generate a default value from the :setting:`web_host` and #: :setting:`web_port` settings. default_template: Optional[str] = None #: Set to true if the value can be :const:`None`. allow_none: bool = False # If set to True we don't modify the value # of the attribute to set a default. # This is used by e.g. the env_prefix setting # which has custom constructor code in Settings.on_init ignore_default: bool = False #: The configuration section this setting belongs to. #: E.g. ``sections.Common``. section: _Section #: The version that this setting was first introduced. #: This is used by :file:`extra/tools/` #: to generate a version added directive: #: #: .. sourcecode:: restructuredtext #: #: .. versionadded:: 1.10 version_introduced: Optional[str] = None #: Set this if the setting is deprecated and should not be used anymore. #: Deprecated settings are not added to the configuration reference. #: Note: You must also set a :attr:`deprecation_reason`. version_deprecated: Optional[str] = None deprecation_reason: Optional[str] = None #: Mapping of version changes and reason for changing. #: This is used by :file:`extra/tools/` #: For example if this was enabled by default but then changed #: to be disabled by default in version 1.30, then you can specify #: that as ``version_changed={'1.30': 'Disabled by default.'}`` #: and the configuration reference will be rendered with the #: following version changed directive added: #: #: .. sourcecode:: restructuredtext #: #: .. versionchanged:: 1.30 #: #: Disabled by default. version_changed: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None #: Set this if the setting should be disabled completely, #: but still be included in the code. #: This is rare, no setting should be included in the #: code if it has been removed. Currently this is only #: used for the example setting that describes how you can add new #: settings. version_removed: Optional[str] = None #: Mapping of related command line options. #: This should be a mapping from command name to a list of option names. #: #: For example the :setting:`canonical_url` setting lists related #: options as: #: #: .. sourcecode:: python #: #: related_cli_options={ #: 'faust worker': ['--web-host', '--web-port'], #: } #: #: And this will end up in the configuration reference as: #: #: .. sourcecode:: restructuredtext #: #: :related-options: :option:`faust worker --web-host`, #: :option:`faust worker --web-port` related_cli_options: Mapping[str, List[str]] #: List of related settings. #: For example for the :setting:`canonical_url` setting #: the list of related settings are defined as: #: ``related_settings=[web_host, web_port]``. #: The configuration reference will then include that as: #: #: .. sourcecode:: restructuredtext #: #: :related-settings: :setting:`web_host`, :setting:`web_port` related_settings: List[Any] #: Template used to generate a deprecation warning for deprecated settings. deprecation_warning_template: str = DEPRECATION_WARNING_TEMPLATE #: Template used to generate an additional removal warning #: for the deprecation warning. deprecation_removal_warning: str = DEPRECATION_REMOVAL_WARNING def __init__( self, *, name: str, env_name: Optional[str] = None, default: IT = None, default_alias: Optional[str] = None, default_template: Optional[str] = None, allow_none: Optional[bool] = None, ignore_default: Optional[bool] = None, section: _Section = None, version_introduced: Optional[str] = None, version_deprecated: Optional[str] = None, version_removed: Optional[str] = None, version_changed: Mapping[str, str] = None, deprecation_reason: Optional[str] = None, related_cli_options: Mapping[str, List[str]] = None, related_settings: List[Any] = None, help: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: assert name = name self.storage_name = f"_{name}" if env_name is not None: self.env_name = env_name if default is not None: self.default = default if default_alias is not None: self.default_alias = default_alias if default_template is not None: self.default_template = default_template if allow_none is not None: self.allow_none = allow_none if ignore_default is not None: self.ignore_default = ignore_default if section is not None: self.section = section assert self.section if version_introduced is not None: self.version_introduced = version_introduced if version_deprecated is not None: self.version_deprecated = version_deprecated if version_removed is not None: self.version_removed = version_removed if version_changed is not None: self.version_changed = version_changed if deprecation_reason is not None: self.deprecation_reason = deprecation_reason if help is not None: self.__doc__ = help self._on_get_value_: Optional[OutputCallable] = None self._on_set_default_: Optional[OnDefaultCallable] = None self.options = kwargs self.related_cli_options = related_cli_options or {} self.related_settings = related_settings or [] self._init_options(**self.options) if self.version_deprecated: assert self.deprecation_reason def _init_options(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Use in subclasses to quickly override ``__init__``.""" ...
[docs] def on_get_value(self, fun: OutputCallable) -> OutputCallable: """Decorator that adds a callback when this setting is retrieved.""" assert self._on_get_value_ is None self._on_get_value_ = fun return fun
[docs] def on_set_default(self, fun: OnDefaultCallable) -> OnDefaultCallable: """Decorator that adds a callback when a default value is used.""" assert self._on_set_default_ is None self._on_set_default_ = fun return fun
def __get__(self, obj: Any, type: Type = None) -> OT: if obj is None: return self # type: ignore if self.version_deprecated: # we use UserWarning because DeprecationWarning is silenced # by default in Python. warnings.warn(UserWarning(self.build_deprecation_warning()), stacklevel=2) return self.on_get(obj) def __set__(self, obj: Any, value: IT) -> None: self.on_set(obj, self.prepare_set(obj, value))
[docs] def on_get(self, conf: _Settings) -> OT: """What happens when the setting is accessed/retrieved.""" value = getattr(conf, self.storage_name) if value is None and self.default_alias: retval = getattr(conf, self.default_alias) else: retval = self.prepare_get(conf, value) if self._on_get_value_ is not None: return self._on_get_value_(conf, retval) return retval
[docs] def prepare_get(self, conf: _Settings, value: OT) -> OT: """Prepare value when accessed/retrieved.""" return value
[docs] def on_set(self, settings: Any, value: OT) -> None: """What happens when the setting is stored/set.""" settings.__dict__[self.storage_name] = value assert getattr(settings, self.storage_name) == value
[docs] def set_class_default(self, cls: Type) -> None: """Set class default value for storage attribute.""" setattr(cls, self.storage_name, self.default)
[docs] def on_init_set_value(self, conf: _Settings, provided_value: Optional[IT]) -> None: """What happens at ``Settings.__init__`` to store provided value. Arguments: conf: Settings object. provided_value: Provided configuration value passed to ``Settings.__init__`` or :const:`None` if not set. """ if provided_value is not None: self.__set__(conf, provided_value)
[docs] def on_init_set_default( self, conf: _Settings, provided_value: Optional[IT] ) -> None: """What happens at ``Settings.__init__`` to set default value. Arguments: conf: Settings object. provided_value: Provided configuration value passed to ``Settings.__init__`` or :const:`None` if not set. """ if provided_value is None: default_value = self.default if self._on_set_default_: default_value = self._on_set_default_(conf) if default_value is None and self.default_template: default_value = self.default_template.format(conf=conf) setattr( conf, self.storage_name, self.prepare_init_default(conf, default_value) )
[docs] def build_deprecation_warning(self) -> str: """Build deprecation warning for this setting.""" alt_removal = "" if self.version_removed: alt_removal = self.deprecation_removal_warning.format(self=self) return self.deprecation_warning_template.format( self=self, alt_removal=alt_removal, )
[docs] def validate_before(self, value: IT = None) -> None: """Validate value before setting is converted to the target type.""" ...
[docs] def validate_after(self, value: OT) -> None: """Validate value after it has been converted to its target type.""" ...
[docs] def prepare_set(self, conf: _Settings, value: IT) -> OT: """Prepare value for storage.""" skip_validate = value is None and self.allow_none if not skip_validate: self.validate_before(value) if value is not None: new_value = self.to_python(conf, value) else: new_value = value if not skip_validate: self.validate_after(new_value) return new_value
[docs] def prepare_init_default(self, conf: _Settings, value: IT) -> OT: """Prepare default value for storage.""" if value is not None: return self.to_python(conf, value) return None
[docs] def to_python(self, conf: _Settings, value: IT) -> OT: """Convert value in input type to its output type.""" return cast(OT, value)
@property def active(self) -> bool: return not bool(self.version_removed) @property def deprecated(self) -> bool: return bool(self.version_deprecated) @property def class_name(self) -> str: return type(self).__name__
[docs]class Bool(Param[Any, bool]): """Boolean setting type.""" text_type = (bool,)
[docs] def to_python(self, conf: _Settings, value: Any) -> bool: """Convert given value to :class:`bool`.""" if isinstance(value, str): return to_bool(value) return bool(value)
[docs]class Str(Param[str, str]): """String setting type.""" text_type = (str,)
[docs]class Severity(Param[_Severity, _Severity]): """Logging severity setting type.""" text_type = (str, int)
class Number(Param[IT, OT]): """Number setting type (baseclass for int/float).""" min_value: Optional[int] = None max_value: Optional[int] = None number_aliases: Mapping[IT, OT] def _init_options( self, min_value: Optional[int] = None, max_value: Optional[int] = None, number_aliases: Mapping[IT, OT] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: if min_value is not None: self.min_value = min_value if max_value is not None: self.max_value = max_value self.number_aliases = number_aliases or {} @abc.abstractmethod def convert(self, conf: _Settings, value: IT) -> OT: ... def to_python(self, conf: _Settings, value: IT) -> OT: """Convert given value to number.""" try: return self.number_aliases[value] except KeyError: return self.convert(conf, value) def validate_after(self, value: OT) -> None: """Validate number value.""" v = cast(int, value) min_ = self.min_value max_ = self.max_value if min_ is not None and v < min_: raise self._out_of_range(v) if max_ is not None and v > max_: raise self._out_of_range(v) def _out_of_range(self, value: float) -> ImproperlyConfigured: return ImproperlyConfigured( f"Value {value} is out of range for {self.class_name} " f"(min={self.min_value} max={self.max_value})" ) NumberInputArg = Union[str, int, float] class _Int(Number[IT, OT]): text_type = (int,) def convert(self, conf: _Settings, value: IT) -> OT: """Convert given value to int.""" return cast(OT, int(cast(int, value)))
[docs]class Int(_Int[NumberInputArg, int]): """Signed integer setting type."""
[docs]class UnsignedInt(_Int[NumberInputArg, int]): """Unsigned integer setting type.""" min_value = 0
[docs]class Version(Int): """Version setting type. Versions must be greater than ``1``. """ min_value = 1
[docs]class Port(UnsignedInt): """Network port setting type. Ports must be in the range 1-65535. """ min_value = 1 max_value = 65535
[docs]class Seconds(Param[_Seconds, float]): """Seconds setting type. Converts from :class:`float`/:class:`~datetime.timedelta` to :class:`float`. """ text_type = (float, timedelta)
[docs] def to_python(self, conf: _Settings, value: _Seconds) -> float: return want_seconds(value)
[docs]class Credentials(Param[CredentialsArg, Optional[CredentialsT]]): """Authentication credentials setting type.""" text_type = (CredentialsT,)
[docs] def to_python( self, conf: _Settings, value: CredentialsArg ) -> Optional[CredentialsT]: return to_credentials(value)
[docs]class SSLContext(Param[ssl.SSLContext, Optional[ssl.SSLContext]]): """SSL context setting type.""" text_type = (ssl.SSLContext,)
[docs]class Dict(Param[DictArg[T], Mapping[str, T]]): """Dictionary setting type.""" text_type = (dict,)
[docs] def to_python(self, conf: _Settings, value: DictArg[T]) -> Mapping[str, T]: if isinstance(value, str): return json.loads(value) elif isinstance(value, Mapping): return value return dict(value)
[docs]class LogHandlers(Param[List[logging.Handler], List[logging.Handler]]): """Log handler list setting type.""" text_type = (List[logging.Handler],)
[docs] def prepare_init_default( self, conf: _Settings, value: Any ) -> List[logging.Handler]: return []
[docs]class Timezone(Param[Union[str, tzinfo], tzinfo]): """Timezone setting type.""" text_type = (tzinfo,) builtin_timezones = {"UTC": timezone.utc}
[docs] def to_python(self, conf: _Settings, value: Union[str, tzinfo]) -> tzinfo: if isinstance(value, str): try: return cast(tzinfo, self.builtin_timezones[value.lower()]) except KeyError: import pytz return cast(tzinfo, pytz.timezone(value)) else: return value
[docs]class BrokerList(Param[BrokerArg, List[_URL]]): """Broker URL list setting type.""" text_type = (str, _URL, List[str]) default_scheme = DEFAULT_BROKER_SCHEME
[docs] def to_python(self, conf: _Settings, value: BrokerArg) -> List[_URL]: return self.broker_list(value)
[docs] def broker_list(self, value: BrokerArg) -> List[_URL]: return urllist(value, default_scheme=self.default_scheme)
[docs]class URL(Param[URLArg, _URL]): """URL setting type.""" text_type = (str, _URL)
[docs] def to_python(self, conf: _Settings, value: URLArg) -> _URL: return _URL(value)
[docs]class Path(Param[Union[str, _Path], _Path]): """Path setting type.""" text_type = (str, _Path) expanduser: bool = True
[docs] def to_python(self, conf: _Settings, value: Union[str, _Path]) -> _Path: p = _Path(value) if self.expanduser: p = p.expanduser() return self.prepare_path(conf, p)
[docs] def prepare_path(self, conf: _Settings, path: _Path) -> _Path: return path
[docs]class Codec(Param[CodecArg, CodecArg]): """Serialization codec setting type.""" text_type = (str, CodecT)
[docs]def Enum(typ: T) -> Type[Param[Union[str, T], T]]: """Generate new enum setting type.""" class EnumParam(Param[Union[str, T], T]): text_type = (str,) def to_python(self, conf: _Settings, value: Union[str, T]) -> T: return typ(value) # type: ignore return EnumParam
class _Symbol(Param[IT, OT]): text_type = (str, Type) def to_python(self, conf: _Settings, value: IT) -> OT: return cast(OT, symbol_by_name(value))
[docs]def Symbol(typ: T) -> Type[Param[SymbolArg[T], T]]: """Generate new symbol setting type.""" return _Symbol[SymbolArg[T], T]