Source code for faust.types.settings.base

import abc
import typing
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Set, cast

from faust.exceptions import AlreadyConfiguredWarning

from .params import Param

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from .sections import Section as _Section
    from .settings import Settings as _Settings

    class _Section: ...  # noqa: E701

    class _Settings: ...  # noqa: E701

App is already configured.

Reconfiguring late may mean parts of your program are still
using the old configuration.

Code such as:


Should appear before calling app.topic/@app.agent/etc.

Setting new value for configuration key {key!r} that was already used.

Reconfiguring late may mean parts of your program are still
using the old value of {old_value!r}.

Code such as:

app.conf.{key} = {value!r}

Should appear before calling app.topic/@app.agent/etc.

SettingIndexMapping = Dict[str, Param]
SettingSectionIndexMapping = Dict[_Section, List[Param]]

[docs]class SettingsRegistry(abc.ABC): """Base class used for :class:`faust.types.settings.Settings`.""" #: Index of all settings by name. SETTINGS: ClassVar[SettingIndexMapping] = {} #: Index of all sections and the settings in a section. SETTINGS_BY_SECTION: ClassVar[SettingSectionIndexMapping] = {} _initializing: bool = True _accessed: Set[str] = cast(Set[str], None)
[docs] @classmethod def setting_names(cls) -> Set[str]: """Return set of all active setting names.""" return { name for name, setting in cls.SETTINGS.items() if and not setting.deprecated }
@classmethod def _init_subclass_settings(cls) -> None: settings: SettingIndexMapping = dict(cls.SETTINGS) by_section: SettingSectionIndexMapping = defaultdict(list) by_section.update(cls.SETTINGS_BY_SECTION) # Find and and index all Param attributes for name, attr in vars(cls).items(): try: is_param = isinstance(attr, Param) except TypeError: pass else: if is_param and settings[name] = attr by_section[attr.section].append(attr) setattr(cls, name, attr) cls.SETTINGS = settings cls.SETTINGS_BY_SECTION = by_section # Settings.__init__ defines all input parameters # so typing is intact, but we want to use the # parameters as keyword arguments so we just # replace Settings.__init__ with a new init method # that puts the arguments into kwargs :-) def _new_init(self: _Settings, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self._init_entrypoint(*args, **kwargs) cls.__init__ = _new_init # type: ignore # For every setting there will be an accessor property # and a storage value. # E.g. for the setting broker_request_timeout, # Settings.broker_request_timeout is the accessor property # and Settings._broker_request_timeout is the storage # where the current value is stored and that the accessor # property reads from. for param in cls.SETTINGS.values(): param.set_class_default(cls) @classmethod def _warn_already_configured(cls) -> None: warnings.warn(AlreadyConfiguredWarning(W_ALREADY_CONFIGURED), stacklevel=3) @classmethod def _warn_already_configured_key(cls, key: str, value: Any, old_value: Any) -> None: warnings.warn( AlreadyConfiguredWarning( W_ALREADY_CONFIGURED_KEY.format( key=key, value=value, old_value=old_value, ) ), stacklevel=3, ) def __init_subclass__(self) -> None: self._init_subclass_settings()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def on_init(self, id: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None: ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def getenv(self, env_name: str) -> Any: ...
def _init_entrypoint(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self._on_before_init() self.on_init(*args, **kwargs) self._init_settings(kwargs) self._on_after_init() self.__post_init__() def _on_before_init(self) -> None: # this set keeps track of settings that have been read # we do not want to do that when setting attributes so # we set it to None. # After init has set all attributes on_after_init will enable # read tracking by initializing this to an empty set. object.__setattr__(self, "_accessed", None) def _init_settings(self, kwargs: Dict) -> None: # called by Settings.__init__(**kwargs) to configure # available settings. conf = cast(_Settings, self) for name, param in self.SETTINGS.items(): if not param.ignore_default: provided_value = kwargs.get(name, None) if param.env_name is not None: provided_env_value = self.getenv(param.env_name) if provided_env_value is not None: provided_value = kwargs[name] = provided_env_value param.on_init_set_value(conf, provided_value) for name, param in self.SETTINGS.items(): if not param.ignore_default: provided_value = kwargs.get(name, None) param.on_init_set_default(conf, provided_value) def _on_after_init(self) -> None: object.__setattr__(self, "_accessed", set()) object.__setattr__(self, "_initializing", False) def __post_init__(self) -> None: # noqa: B027 ... def __getattribute__(self, key: str) -> Any: accessed = object.__getattribute__(self, "_accessed") if not key.startswith("_"): if not object.__getattribute__(self, "_initializing"): accessed.add(key) return object.__getattribute__(self, key) def __setattr__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None: xsd = object.__getattribute__(self, "_accessed") if xsd is not None and not key.startswith("_") and key in xsd: old_value = object.__getattribute__(self, key) self._warn_already_configured_key(key, value, old_value) object.__setattr__(self, key, value)