Source code for faust.transport.drivers.aiokafka

"""Message transport using :pypi:`aiokafka`."""

import asyncio
import typing
from asyncio import Lock, QueueEmpty
from collections import deque
from functools import partial
from time import monotonic
from typing import (

import aiokafka
import opentracing
from aiokafka import TopicPartition
from aiokafka.consumer.group_coordinator import OffsetCommitRequest
from aiokafka.coordinator.assignors.roundrobin import RoundRobinPartitionAssignor
from aiokafka.errors import (
    TopicAlreadyExistsError as TopicExistsError,
from aiokafka.partitioner import DefaultPartitioner, murmur2
from aiokafka.protocol.metadata import MetadataRequest_v1
from aiokafka.structs import OffsetAndMetadata, TopicPartition as _TopicPartition
from aiokafka.util import parse_kafka_version
from mode import Service, get_logger
from mode.threads import ServiceThread, WorkerThread
from mode.utils import text
from mode.utils.futures import StampedeWrapper
from mode.utils.objects import cached_property
from mode.utils.times import Seconds, humanize_seconds_ago, want_seconds
from opentracing.ext import tags
from yarl import URL

from faust.auth import (
from faust.exceptions import (
from faust.transport import base
from faust.transport.consumer import (
from faust.types import (
from faust.types.auth import CredentialsT
from faust.types.transports import ConsumerT, PartitionerT, ProducerT
from faust.utils.kafka.protocol.admin import CreateTopicsRequest
from faust.utils.tracing import noop_span, set_current_span, traced_from_parent_span

__all__ = ["Consumer", "Producer", "Transport"]

# if not hasattr(aiokafka, '__robinhood__'):  # pragma: no cover
#     raise RuntimeError(
#         'Please install robinhood-aiokafka, not aiokafka')

logger = get_logger(__name__)



The agent processing the stream is hanging (waiting for network, I/O or \
infinite loop).

The stream has stopped processing events for some reason.

The commit handler background thread has stopped working (report as bug).


There are multiple possible explanations for this:

1) The processing of a single event in the stream
   is taking too long.

    The timeout for this is defined by the %(setting)s setting,
    currently set to %(current_value)r.  If you expect the time
    required to process an event, to be greater than this then please
    increase the timeout.


Aiokafka has not sent fetch request for %r since start (started %s)

Aiokafka has not received fetch response for %r since start (started %s)

Aiokafka stopped fetching from %r (last done %s)

Broker stopped responding to fetch requests for %r (last responded %s)

Highwater not yet available for %r (started %s).

Stream has not started processing %r (started %s).

Stream stopped processing, or is slow for %r (last inbound %s).

Has not committed %r at all since worker start (started %s).

Has not committed %r (last commit %s).

def __canon_host(host, default):
    """Ensure host is correctly formatted for aiokafka. That means IPv6
    addresses must enclosed in squared brackets.
    if not host:
        return default
    if ":" in host:
        return f"[{host}]"
    return host

def server_list(urls: List[URL], default_port: int) -> List[str]:
    """Convert list of urls to list of servers accepted by :pypi:`aiokafka`."""
    default_host = ""
    # Yarl strips [] from IPv6 adresses, and aiokafka expects them.
    return [
        f"{__canon_host(, default_host)}:{u.port or default_port}" for u in urls

class ConsumerRebalanceListener(  # type: ignore
    # kafka's ridiculous class based callback interface makes this hacky.

    def __init__(self, thread: ConsumerThread) -> None:
        self._thread: ConsumerThread = thread

    def on_partitions_revoked(self, revoked: Iterable[_TopicPartition]) -> Awaitable:
        """Call when partitions are being revoked."""
        thread = self._thread
        # XXX Must call app.on_rebalance_start as early as possible.
        # we call this in the sync method, this way when we know
        # that it will be called even if await never returns to the coroutine.

        # this way we should also get a warning if the coroutine
        # is never awaited.
        return thread.on_partitions_revoked(ensure_TPset(revoked))

    async def on_partitions_assigned(self, assigned: Iterable[_TopicPartition]) -> None:
        """Call when partitions are being assigned."""
        generation = self._thread._ensure_consumer()._coordinator.generation
        # set the generation on the app = generation
        await self._thread.on_partitions_assigned(ensure_TPset(assigned), generation)

[docs]class Consumer(ThreadDelegateConsumer): """Kafka consumer using :pypi:`aiokafka`.""" logger = logger RebalanceListener: ClassVar[Type[ConsumerRebalanceListener]] RebalanceListener = ConsumerRebalanceListener consumer_stopped_errors: ClassVar[Tuple[Type[BaseException], ...]] = ( ConsumerStoppedError, ) def _new_consumer_thread(self) -> ConsumerThread: return AIOKafkaConsumerThread(self, loop=self.loop, beacon=self.beacon)
[docs] async def create_topic( self, topic: str, partitions: int, replication: int, *, config: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, timeout: Seconds = 30.0, retention: Optional[Seconds] = None, compacting: Optional[bool] = None, deleting: Optional[bool] = None, ensure_created: bool = False, ) -> None: """Create/declare topic on server.""" if await self._thread.create_topic( topic, partitions, replication, config=config, timeout=timeout, retention=retention, compacting=compacting, deleting=deleting, ensure_created=ensure_created, ) else: logger.warning(f"Topic creation disabled! Can't create topic {topic}")
def _new_topicpartition(self, topic: str, partition: int) -> TP: return cast(TP, _TopicPartition(topic, partition)) def _to_message(self, tp: TP, record: Any) -> ConsumerMessage: timestamp: Optional[int] = record.timestamp timestamp_s: float = cast(float, None) if timestamp is not None: timestamp_s = timestamp / 1000.0 return ConsumerMessage( record.topic, record.partition, record.offset, timestamp_s, record.timestamp_type, record.headers, record.key, record.value, record.checksum, record.serialized_key_size, record.serialized_value_size, tp,, )
[docs] async def on_stop(self) -> None: """Call when consumer is stopping.""" await super().on_stop() transport = cast(Transport, self.transport) transport._topic_waiters.clear()
[docs] def verify_event_path(self, now: float, tp: TP) -> None: return self._thread.verify_event_path(now, tp)
class ThreadedProducer(ServiceThread): _producer: Optional[aiokafka.AIOKafkaProducer] = None event_queue: Optional[asyncio.Queue] = None _default_producer: Optional[aiokafka.AIOKafkaProducer] = None _push_events_task: Optional[asyncio.Task] = None app: None stopped: bool def __init__( self, default_producer, app, *, executor: Any = None, loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None, thread_loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None, Worker: Type[WorkerThread] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: super().__init__( executor=executor, thread_loop=thread_loop, Worker=Worker, **kwargs, ) self._default_producer = default_producer = app async def flush(self) -> None: """Wait for producer to finish transmitting all buffered messages.""" while True: try: msg = self.event_queue.get_nowait() except QueueEmpty: break else: await self.publish_message(msg) if self._producer is not None: await self._producer.flush() def _new_producer( self, transactional_id: Optional[str] = None ) -> aiokafka.AIOKafkaProducer: return aiokafka.AIOKafkaProducer( loop=self.thread_loop, **{ **self._default_producer._settings_default(), **self._default_producer._settings_auth(), **self._default_producer._settings_extra(), }, transactional_id=transactional_id, ) async def on_start(self) -> None: self.event_queue = asyncio.Queue() producer = self._producer = self._new_producer() await producer.start() self.stopped = False self._push_events_task = self.thread_loop.create_task(self.push_events()) async def on_thread_stop(self) -> None: """Call when producer thread is stopping.""""Stopping producer thread") await super().on_thread_stop() self.stopped = True # when method queue is stopped, we can stop the consumer if self._producer is not None: await self.flush() await self._producer.stop() if self._push_events_task is not None: while not self._push_events_task.done(): await asyncio.sleep(0.1) async def push_events(self): while not self.stopped: try: event = await asyncio.wait_for(self.event_queue.get(), timeout=0.1) except asyncio.TimeoutError: continue, size=self.event_queue.qsize() ) await self.publish_message(event) async def publish_message( self, fut_other: FutureMessage, wait: bool = False ) -> Awaitable[RecordMetadata]: """Fulfill promise to publish message to topic.""" fut = FutureMessage(fut_other.message) message: PendingMessage = fut.message topic = key: bytes = cast(bytes, message.key) value: bytes = cast(bytes, message.value) partition: Optional[int] = message.partition timestamp: float = cast(float, message.timestamp) headers: Optional[HeadersArg] = message.headers logger.debug( "send: topic=%r k=%r v=%r timestamp=%r partition=%r", topic, key, value, timestamp, partition, ) producer = self._producer state = producer, topic, message=message, keysize=len(key) if key else 0, valsize=len(value) if value else 0, ) timestamp_ms = int(timestamp * 1000.0) if timestamp else timestamp if headers is not None: if isinstance(headers, Mapping): headers = list(headers.items()) if wait: ret: RecordMetadata = await producer.send_and_wait( topic=topic, key=key, value=value, partition=partition, timestamp_ms=timestamp_ms, headers=headers, ) message=fut, state=state, producer=producer ) fut.set_result(ret) return fut else: fut2 = cast( asyncio.Future, await producer.send( topic=topic, key=key, value=value, partition=partition, timestamp_ms=timestamp_ms, headers=headers, ), ) callback = partial(, message=fut, state=state, producer=producer, ) fut2.add_done_callback(cast(Callable, callback)) return fut2 class AIOKafkaConsumerThread(ConsumerThread): _consumer: Optional[aiokafka.AIOKafkaConsumer] = None _pending_rebalancing_spans: Deque[opentracing.Span] tp_last_committed_at: MutableMapping[TP, float] time_started: float tp_fetch_request_timeout_secs: float tp_fetch_response_timeout_secs: float tp_stream_timeout_secs: float tp_commit_timeout_secs: float def __post_init__(self) -> None: consumer = cast(Consumer, self.consumer) self._partitioner: PartitionerT = ( or DefaultPartitioner() ) self._rebalance_listener = consumer.RebalanceListener(self) self._pending_rebalancing_spans = deque() self.tp_last_committed_at = {} app = stream_processing_timeout = app.conf.stream_processing_timeout self.tp_fetch_request_timeout_secs = stream_processing_timeout self.tp_fetch_response_timeout_secs = stream_processing_timeout self.tp_stream_timeout_secs = stream_processing_timeout commit_livelock_timeout = app.conf.broker_commit_livelock_soft_timeout self.tp_commit_timeout_secs = commit_livelock_timeout async def on_start(self) -> None: """Call when consumer starts.""" self._consumer = self._create_consumer(loop=self.thread_loop) self.time_started = monotonic() await self._consumer.start() async def on_thread_stop(self) -> None: """Call when consumer thread is stopping.""" # super stops thread method queue (QueueServiceThread.method_queue) await super().on_thread_stop() # when method queue is stopped, we can stop the consumer if self._consumer is not None: await self._consumer.stop() def _create_consumer( self, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop ) -> aiokafka.AIOKafkaConsumer: transport = cast(Transport, self.transport) if return self._create_client_consumer(transport) else: return self._create_worker_consumer(transport) def _create_worker_consumer( self, transport: "Transport" ) -> aiokafka.AIOKafkaConsumer: isolation_level: str = "read_uncommitted" conf = if self.consumer.in_transaction: isolation_level = "read_committed" self._assignor = ( if > 0 else RoundRobinPartitionAssignor ) auth_settings = credentials_to_aiokafka_auth( conf.broker_credentials, conf.ssl_context ) max_poll_interval = conf.broker_max_poll_interval or 0 request_timeout = conf.broker_request_timeout session_timeout = conf.broker_session_timeout rebalance_timeout = conf.broker_rebalance_timeout if session_timeout > request_timeout: raise ImproperlyConfigured( f"Setting broker_session_timeout={session_timeout} " f"cannot be greater than " f"broker_request_timeout={request_timeout}" ) return aiokafka.AIOKafkaConsumer( api_version=conf.consumer_api_version, client_id=conf.broker_client_id,, group_instance_id=conf.consumer_group_instance_id, bootstrap_servers=server_list(transport.url, transport.default_port), partition_assignment_strategy=[self._assignor], enable_auto_commit=False, auto_offset_reset=conf.consumer_auto_offset_reset, max_poll_records=conf.broker_max_poll_records, max_poll_interval_ms=int(max_poll_interval * 1000.0), max_partition_fetch_bytes=conf.consumer_max_fetch_size, fetch_max_wait_ms=1500, request_timeout_ms=int(request_timeout * 1000.0), check_crcs=conf.broker_check_crcs, session_timeout_ms=int(session_timeout * 1000.0), rebalance_timeout_ms=int(rebalance_timeout * 1000.0), heartbeat_interval_ms=int(conf.broker_heartbeat_interval * 1000.0), isolation_level=isolation_level, metadata_max_age_ms=conf.consumer_metadata_max_age_ms, connections_max_idle_ms=conf.consumer_connections_max_idle_ms, # traced_from_parent_span=self.traced_from_parent_span, # start_rebalancing_span=self.start_rebalancing_span, # start_coordinator_span=self.start_coordinator_span, # on_generation_id_known=self.on_generation_id_known, # flush_spans=self.flush_spans, **auth_settings, ) def _create_client_consumer( self, transport: "Transport" ) -> aiokafka.AIOKafkaConsumer: conf = auth_settings = credentials_to_aiokafka_auth( conf.broker_credentials, conf.ssl_context ) max_poll_interval = conf.broker_max_poll_interval or 0 return aiokafka.AIOKafkaConsumer( client_id=conf.broker_client_id, bootstrap_servers=server_list(transport.url, transport.default_port), request_timeout_ms=int(conf.broker_request_timeout * 1000.0), enable_auto_commit=True, max_poll_records=conf.broker_max_poll_records, max_poll_interval_ms=int(max_poll_interval * 1000.0), auto_offset_reset=conf.consumer_auto_offset_reset, check_crcs=conf.broker_check_crcs, **auth_settings, ) @cached_property def trace_category(self) -> str: return f"{}-_aiokafka" def start_rebalancing_span(self) -> opentracing.Span: return self._start_span("rebalancing", lazy=True) def start_coordinator_span(self) -> opentracing.Span: return self._start_span("coordinator") def _start_span(self, name: str, *, lazy: bool = False) -> opentracing.Span: tracer = if tracer is not None: span = tracer.get_tracer(self.trace_category).start_span( operation_name=name, ) span.set_tag(tags.SAMPLING_PRIORITY, 1) set_current_span(span) if lazy: self._transform_span_lazy(span) return span else: return noop_span() @no_type_check def _transform_span_lazy(self, span: opentracing.Span) -> None: # XXX slow consumer = self if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: # MyPy completely disallows the statements below # claiming it is an illegal dynamic baseclass. # We know mypy, but do it anyway :D pass else: cls = span.__class__ class LazySpan(cls): def finish(self) -> None: consumer._span_finish(span) span._real_finish, span.finish = span.finish, LazySpan.finish def _span_finish(self, span: opentracing.Span) -> None: assert self._consumer is not None if self._consumer._coordinator.generation == DEFAULT_GENERATION_ID: self._on_span_generation_pending(span) else: self._on_span_generation_known(span) def _on_span_generation_pending(self, span: opentracing.Span) -> None: self._pending_rebalancing_spans.append(span) def _on_span_generation_known(self, span: opentracing.Span) -> None: if self._consumer: coordinator = self._consumer._coordinator coordinator_id = coordinator.coordinator_id app_id = generation = coordinator.generation member_id = coordinator.member_id try: op_name = span.operation_name set_tag = span.set_tag except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover pass # not a real span else: trace_id_str = f"reb-{app_id}-{generation}" trace_id = murmur2(trace_id_str.encode()) span.context.trace_id = trace_id if op_name.endswith(".REPLACE_WITH_MEMBER_ID"): span.set_operation_name(f"rebalancing node {member_id}") set_tag("kafka_generation", generation) set_tag("kafka_member_id", member_id) set_tag("kafka_coordinator_id", coordinator_id) span._real_finish() def _on_span_cancelled_early(self, span: opentracing.Span) -> None: try: op_name = span.operation_name except AttributeError: return else: span.set_operation_name(f"{op_name} (CANCELLED)") span._real_finish() def traced_from_parent_span( self, parent_span: opentracing.Span, lazy: bool = False, **extra_context: Any ) -> Callable: return traced_from_parent_span( parent_span, callback=self._transform_span_lazy if lazy else None, **extra_context, ) def flush_spans(self) -> None: while self._pending_rebalancing_spans: span = self._pending_rebalancing_spans.popleft() self._on_span_cancelled_early(span) def on_generation_id_known(self) -> None: while self._pending_rebalancing_spans: span = self._pending_rebalancing_spans.popleft() self._on_span_generation_known(span) def close(self) -> None: """Close consumer for graceful shutdown.""" if self._consumer is not None: self._consumer._closed = True asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe( self._consumer._client.close(), ) asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe( self._consumer._coordinator.close(), ) async def subscribe(self, topics: Iterable[str]) -> None: """Reset subscription (requires rebalance).""" # XXX pattern does not work :/ await self.call_thread( self._ensure_consumer().subscribe, topics=set(topics), listener=self._rebalance_listener, ) async def seek_to_committed(self) -> Mapping[TP, int]: """Seek partitions to the last committed offset.""" return await self.call_thread(self._ensure_consumer().seek_to_committed) async def commit(self, offsets: Mapping[TP, int]) -> bool: """Commit topic offsets.""" return await self.call_thread(self._commit, offsets) async def _commit(self, offsets: Mapping[TP, int]) -> bool: consumer = self._ensure_consumer() now = monotonic() commitable_offsets = { tp: offset for tp, offset in offsets.items() if tp in self.assignment() } try: aiokafka_offsets = { ensure_aiokafka_TP(tp): OffsetAndMetadata(offset, "") for tp, offset in commitable_offsets.items() } self.tp_last_committed_at.update({tp: now for tp in commitable_offsets}) await consumer.commit(aiokafka_offsets) except CommitFailedError as exc: if "already rebalanced" in str(exc): return False self.log.exception("Committing raised exception: %r", exc) await self.crash(exc) return False except IllegalStateError as exc: self.log.exception( "Got exception: %r\nCurrent assignment: %r", exc, self.assignment() ) await self.crash(exc) return False except Exception as exc: self.log.exception( "Got exception: %r\nCurrent assignment: %r", exc, self.assignment() ) await self.crash(exc) return False return True def verify_event_path(self, now: float, tp: TP) -> None: # long function ahead, but not difficult to test # as it always returns as soon as some condition is met. if self._verify_aiokafka_event_path(now, tp): # already logged error. return None parent = cast(Consumer, self.consumer) app = monitor = app.monitor acks_enabled_for = app.topics.acks_enabled_for secs_since_started = now - self.time_started if monitor is not None: # need for .stream_inbound_time aiotp = TopicPartition(tp.topic, tp.partition) tp_state = self._ensure_consumer()._fetcher._subscriptions.subscription.assignment.state_value( # noqa: E501 aiotp ) highwater = tp_state.highwater committed_offset = tp_state.position has_acks = acks_enabled_for(tp.topic) if highwater is None: if secs_since_started >= self.tp_stream_timeout_secs: # AIOKAFKA HAS NOT UPDATED HIGHWATER SINCE STARTING self.log.error( SLOW_PROCESSING_NO_HIGHWATER_SINCE_START, tp, humanize_seconds_ago(secs_since_started), ) return None if has_acks and committed_offset is not None: if highwater > committed_offset: inbound = monitor.stream_inbound_time.get(tp) if inbound is None: if secs_since_started >= self.tp_stream_timeout_secs: # AIOKAFKA IS FETCHING BUT STREAM IS NOT # PROCESSING EVENTS (no events at all since # start). self._log_slow_processing_stream( SLOW_PROCESSING_STREAM_IDLE_SINCE_START, tp, humanize_seconds_ago(secs_since_started), ) return None secs_since_stream = now - inbound if secs_since_stream >= self.tp_stream_timeout_secs: # AIOKAFKA IS FETCHING, AND STREAM WAS WORKING # BEFORE BUT NOW HAS STOPPED PROCESSING # (or processing of an event in the stream takes # longer than tp_stream_timeout_secs). self._log_slow_processing_stream( SLOW_PROCESSING_STREAM_IDLE, tp, humanize_seconds_ago(secs_since_stream), ) return None last_commit = self.tp_last_committed_at.get(tp) if last_commit is None: if secs_since_started >= self.tp_commit_timeout_secs: # AIOKAFKA IS FETCHING AND STREAM IS PROCESSING # BUT WE HAVE NOT COMMITTED ANYTHING SINCE WORKER # START. self._log_slow_processing_commit( SLOW_PROCESSING_NO_COMMIT_SINCE_START, tp, humanize_seconds_ago(secs_since_started), ) return None else: secs_since_commit = now - last_commit if secs_since_commit >= self.tp_commit_timeout_secs: # AIOKAFKA IS FETCHING AND STREAM IS PROCESSING # BUT WE HAVE NOT COMITTED ANYTHING IN A WHILE # (commit offset is not advancing). self._log_slow_processing_commit( SLOW_PROCESSING_NO_RECENT_COMMIT, tp, humanize_seconds_ago(secs_since_commit), ) return None def verify_recovery_event_path(self, now: float, tp: TP) -> None: self._verify_aiokafka_event_path(now, tp) def _verify_aiokafka_event_path(self, now: float, tp: TP) -> bool: """Verify that :pypi:`aiokafka` event path is working. Returns :const:`True` if any error was logged. """ consumer = self._ensure_consumer() secs_since_started = now - self.time_started aiotp = TopicPartition(tp.topic, tp.partition) assignment = consumer._fetcher._subscriptions.subscription.assignment if not assignment or not self.log.error(f"No active partitions for {tp}") return True poll_at = None aiotp_state = assignment.state_value(aiotp) if aiotp_state and aiotp_state.timestamp: poll_at = aiotp_state.timestamp / 1000 if poll_at is None: if secs_since_started >= self.tp_fetch_request_timeout_secs: # NO FETCH REQUEST SENT AT ALL SINCE WORKER START self.log.error( SLOW_PROCESSING_NO_FETCH_SINCE_START, tp, humanize_seconds_ago(secs_since_started), ) return True secs_since_request = now - poll_at if secs_since_request >= self.tp_fetch_request_timeout_secs: # NO REQUEST SENT BY AIOKAFKA IN THE LAST n SECONDS self.log.error( SLOW_PROCESSING_NO_RECENT_FETCH, tp, humanize_seconds_ago(secs_since_request), ) return True return False def _log_slow_processing_stream(self, msg: str, *args: Any) -> None: app = self._log_slow_processing( msg, *args, causes=[ SLOW_PROCESSING_CAUSE_STREAM, SLOW_PROCESSING_CAUSE_AGENT, ], setting="stream_processing_timeout", current_value=app.conf.stream_processing_timeout, ) def _log_slow_processing_commit(self, msg: str, *args: Any) -> None: app = self._log_slow_processing( msg, *args, causes=[SLOW_PROCESSING_CAUSE_COMMIT], setting="broker_commit_livelock_soft_timeout", current_value=app.conf.broker_commit_livelock_soft_timeout, ) def _make_slow_processing_error( self, msg: str, causes: Iterable[str], setting: str, current_value: float ) -> str: return " ".join( [ msg, SLOW_PROCESSING_EXPLAINED % {"setting": setting, "current_value": current_value}, text.enumeration(causes, start=2, sep="\n\n"), ] ) def _log_slow_processing( self, msg: str, *args: Any, causes: Iterable[str], setting: str, current_value: float, ) -> None: return self.log.error( self._make_slow_processing_error(msg, causes, setting, current_value), *args, ) async def position(self, tp: TP) -> Optional[int]: """Return the current position for topic partition.""" return await self.call_thread(self._ensure_consumer().position, tp) async def seek_to_beginning(self, *partitions: _TopicPartition) -> None: """Seek list of offsets to the first available offset.""" await self.call_thread(self._ensure_consumer().seek_to_beginning, *partitions) async def seek_wait(self, partitions: Mapping[TP, int]) -> None: """Seek partitions to specific offset and wait for operation.""" consumer = self._ensure_consumer() await self.call_thread(self._seek_wait, consumer, partitions) async def _seek_wait( self, consumer: Consumer, partitions: Mapping[TP, int] ) -> None: for tp, offset in partitions.items():"SEEK %r -> %r", tp, offset), offset) if offset > 0: self.consumer._read_offset[tp] = offset elif tp in self.consumer._read_offset.keys(): del self.consumer._read_offset[tp] await asyncio.wait_for( asyncio.gather(*[consumer.position(tp) for tp in partitions]),, ) def seek(self, partition: TP, offset: int) -> None: """Seek partition to specific offset.""" self._ensure_consumer().seek(partition, offset) def assignment(self) -> Set[TP]: """Return the current assignment.""" return ensure_TPset(self._ensure_consumer().assignment()) def highwater(self, tp: TP) -> int: """Return the last offset in a specific partition.""" if self.consumer.in_transaction: return self._ensure_consumer().last_stable_offset(tp) else: return self._ensure_consumer().highwater(tp) def topic_partitions(self, topic: str) -> Optional[int]: """Return the number of partitions configured for topic by name.""" if self._consumer is not None: return self._consumer._coordinator._metadata_snapshot.get(topic) return None async def earliest_offsets(self, *partitions: TP) -> Mapping[TP, int]: """Return the earliest offsets for a list of partitions.""" return await self.call_thread( self._ensure_consumer().beginning_offsets, partitions ) async def highwaters(self, *partitions: TP) -> Mapping[TP, int]: """Return the last offsets for a list of partitions.""" return await self.call_thread(self._highwaters, partitions) async def _highwaters(self, partitions: List[TP]) -> Mapping[TP, int]: consumer = self._ensure_consumer() if self.consumer.in_transaction: return {tp: consumer.last_stable_offset(tp) for tp in partitions} else: return cast(Mapping[TP, int], await consumer.end_offsets(partitions)) def _ensure_consumer(self) -> aiokafka.AIOKafkaConsumer: if self._consumer is None: raise ConsumerNotStarted("Consumer thread not yet started") return self._consumer async def getmany( self, active_partitions: Optional[Set[TP]], timeout: float ) -> RecordMap: """Fetch batch of messages from server.""" # Implementation for the Fetcher service. _consumer = self._ensure_consumer() # NOTE: Since we are enqueing the fetch request, # we need to check when dequeued that we are not in a rebalancing # state at that point to return early, or we # will create a deadlock (fetch request starts after flow stopped) return await self.call_thread( self._fetch_records, _consumer, active_partitions, timeout=timeout, max_records=_consumer._max_poll_records, ) async def _fetch_records( self, consumer: aiokafka.AIOKafkaConsumer, active_partitions: Set[TP], timeout: Optional[float] = None, max_records: Optional[int] = None, ) -> RecordMap: if not self.consumer.flow_active: return {} fetcher = consumer._fetcher if consumer._closed or fetcher._closed: raise ConsumerStoppedError() with fetcher._subscriptions.fetch_context(): try: return await fetcher.fetched_records( active_partitions, timeout=timeout, max_records=max_records, ) finally: pass async def create_topic( self, topic: str, partitions: int, replication: int, *, config: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, timeout: Seconds = 30.0, retention: Optional[Seconds] = None, compacting: Optional[bool] = None, deleting: Optional[bool] = None, ensure_created: bool = False, ) -> None: """Create/declare topic on server.""" if transport = cast(Transport, self.consumer.transport) _consumer = self._ensure_consumer() _retention = int(want_seconds(retention) * 1000.0) if retention else None if len(topic) > TOPIC_LENGTH_MAX: raise ValueError( f"Topic name {topic!r} is too long (max={TOPIC_LENGTH_MAX})" ) await self.call_thread( transport._create_topic, self, _consumer._client, topic, partitions, replication, config=config, timeout=int(want_seconds(timeout) * 1000.0), retention=_retention, compacting=compacting, deleting=deleting, ensure_created=ensure_created, ) else: logger.warning(f"Topic creation disabled! Can't create topic {topic}") def key_partition( self, topic: str, key: Optional[bytes], partition: Optional[int] = None ) -> Optional[int]: """Hash key to determine partition destination.""" consumer = self._ensure_consumer() metadata = consumer._client.cluster partitions_for_topic = metadata.partitions_for_topic(topic) if partitions_for_topic is None: return None if partition is not None: assert partition >= 0 assert partition in partitions_for_topic, "Unrecognized partition" return partition all_partitions = list(partitions_for_topic) available = list(metadata.available_partitions_for_topic(topic)) return self._partitioner(key, all_partitions, available)
[docs]class Producer(base.Producer): """Kafka producer using :pypi:`aiokafka`.""" logger = logger allow_headers: bool = True _producer: Optional[aiokafka.AIOKafkaProducer] = None _transaction_producers: typing.Dict[str, aiokafka.AIOKafkaProducer] = {} _trn_locks: typing.Dict[str, Lock] = {}
[docs] def create_threaded_producer(self): return ThreadedProducer(default_producer=self,
def __post_init__(self) -> None: self._send_on_produce_message = if self.partitioner is None: self.partitioner = DefaultPartitioner() if self._api_version != "auto": wanted_api_version = parse_kafka_version(self._api_version) if wanted_api_version < (0, 11): self.allow_headers = False def _settings_default(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]: transport = cast(Transport, self.transport) return { "bootstrap_servers": server_list(transport.url, transport.default_port), "client_id": self.client_id, "acks": self.acks, "linger_ms": self.linger_ms, "max_batch_size": self.max_batch_size, "max_request_size": self.max_request_size, "compression_type": self.compression_type, "security_protocol": "SSL" if self.ssl_context else "PLAINTEXT", "partitioner": self.partitioner, "request_timeout_ms": int(self.request_timeout * 1000), "api_version": self._api_version, "metadata_max_age_ms":, "connections_max_idle_ms":, } def _settings_auth(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]: return credentials_to_aiokafka_auth(self.credentials, self.ssl_context)
[docs] async def begin_transaction(self, transactional_id: str) -> None: """Begin transaction by id.""" try: transaction_producer = self._transaction_producers.get(transactional_id) if transaction_producer is None: transaction_producer = self._new_producer( transactional_id=transactional_id ) await transaction_producer.start() self._transaction_producers[transactional_id] = transaction_producer self._trn_locks[transactional_id] = asyncio.Lock() async with self._trn_locks[transactional_id]: self._ensure_producer() await self._transaction_producers[transactional_id].begin_transaction() except ProducerFenced:"Current Producer for transaction {transactional_id} fenced") tp = self._transaction_producers.pop(transactional_id) await tp.stop() except Exception as ex: logger.warning( "Exception in begin_transaction for transaction " f"{transactional_id} exception {ex}" )
[docs] async def commit_transaction(self, transactional_id: str) -> None: """Commit transaction by id.""" try: async with self._trn_locks[transactional_id]: transaction_producer = self._transaction_producers.get(transactional_id) if transaction_producer: await transaction_producer.commit_transaction() logger.debug(f"Done committing transaction {transactional_id}") else: logger.warning( f"Commit invoked for unknown transaction {transactional_id}" ) except ProducerFenced:"Current Producer for transaction {transactional_id} fenced") tp = self._transaction_producers.pop(transactional_id) await tp.stop() except Exception as ex: logger.warning( "Exception in commit_transaction for transaction " f"{transactional_id} exception {ex}" )
[docs] async def abort_transaction(self, transactional_id: str) -> None: """Abort and rollback transaction by id.""" try: async with self._trn_locks[transactional_id]: transaction_producer = self._transaction_producers.get(transactional_id) if transaction_producer: await transaction_producer.abort_transaction() else: logger.warning( f"Abort invoked for unknown transaction {transactional_id}" ) except ProducerFenced:"Current Producer for transaction {transactional_id} fenced") tp = self._transaction_producers.pop(transactional_id) await tp.stop() except Exception as ex: logger.warning( "Exception in abort_transaction for transaction " f"{transactional_id} exception {ex}" )
[docs] async def stop_transaction(self, transactional_id: str) -> None: """Stop transaction by id.""" # Let Kafka Manage the transactions. On rebalance a new producer with the # same transaction id will fence off this producer tp = self._transaction_producers.pop(transactional_id, None) if tp: await tp.stop()
[docs] async def maybe_begin_transaction(self, transactional_id: str) -> None: """Begin transaction (if one does not already exist).""" await self.begin_transaction(transactional_id)
[docs] async def commit_transactions( self, tid_to_offset_map: Mapping[str, Mapping[TP, int]], group_id: str, start_new_transaction: bool = True, ) -> None: """Commit transactions.""" for transactional_id, offsets in tid_to_offset_map.items(): # get the producer async with self._trn_locks[transactional_id]: transaction_producer = self._transaction_producers.get(transactional_id) if transaction_producer: logger.debug( f"Sending offsets {offsets} to transaction {transactional_id}" ) await transaction_producer.send_offsets_to_transaction( offsets, group_id ) await transaction_producer.commit_transaction() logger.debug(f"Done committing transaction {transactional_id}") if start_new_transaction: logger.debug(f"Starting transaction {transactional_id}") await transaction_producer.begin_transaction() logger.debug(f"Started transaction {transactional_id}") else: logger.warning( f"Commit invoked for unknown transaction {transactional_id}" )
def _settings_extra(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]: if return {"acks": "all", "enable_idempotence": True} return {} def _new_producer( self, transactional_id: Optional[str] = None ) -> aiokafka.AIOKafkaProducer: return self._producer_type( loop=self.loop, **{ **self._settings_default(), **self._settings_auth(), **self._settings_extra(), }, transactional_id=transactional_id, ) @property def _producer_type(self) -> Type[aiokafka.AIOKafkaProducer]: return aiokafka.AIOKafkaProducer
[docs] async def create_topic( self, topic: str, partitions: int, replication: int, *, config: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, timeout: Seconds = 20.0, retention: Optional[Seconds] = None, compacting: Optional[bool] = None, deleting: Optional[bool] = None, ensure_created: bool = False, ) -> None: """Create/declare topic on server.""" if _retention = int(want_seconds(retention) * 1000.0) if retention else None producer = self._ensure_producer() await cast(Transport, self.transport)._create_topic( self, producer.client, topic, partitions, replication, config=config, timeout=int(want_seconds(timeout) * 1000.0), retention=_retention, compacting=compacting, deleting=deleting, ensure_created=ensure_created, ) await producer.client.force_metadata_update() # Fixes #499 else: logger.warning(f"Topic creation disabled! Can't create topic {topic}")
def _ensure_producer(self) -> aiokafka.AIOKafkaProducer: if self._producer is None: raise NotReady("Producer service not yet started") return self._producer
[docs] async def on_start(self) -> None: """Call when producer starts.""" await super().on_start() producer = self._producer = self._new_producer() self.beacon.add(producer) await producer.start()
[docs] async def on_stop(self) -> None: """Call when producer stops.""" await super().on_stop() cast(Transport, self.transport)._topic_waiters.clear() producer, self._producer = self._producer, None if producer is not None: await producer.stop() for transaction_producer in self._transaction_producers.values(): await transaction_producer.stop() self._transaction_producers.clear()
[docs] async def send( self, topic: str, key: Optional[bytes], value: Optional[bytes], partition: Optional[int], timestamp: Optional[float], headers: Optional[HeadersArg], *, transactional_id: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Awaitable[RecordMetadata]: """Schedule message to be transmitted by producer.""" transaction_producer = self._ensure_producer() if transactional_id: transaction_producer = self._transaction_producers.get(transactional_id) if transaction_producer is None: raise ProducerSendError( f"No transaction producer found for : {transactional_id}" ) if headers is not None: if isinstance(headers, Mapping): headers = list(headers.items()) self._send_on_produce_message( key=key, value=value, partition=partition, timestamp=timestamp, headers=headers, ) if headers is not None and not self.allow_headers: headers = None timestamp_ms = int(timestamp * 1000.0) if timestamp else timestamp try: if transactional_id: async with self._trn_locks[transactional_id]: return cast( Awaitable[RecordMetadata], await transaction_producer.send( topic, value, key=key, partition=partition, timestamp_ms=timestamp_ms, headers=headers, ), ) else: return cast( Awaitable[RecordMetadata], await transaction_producer.send( topic, value, key=key, partition=partition, timestamp_ms=timestamp_ms, headers=headers, ), ) except KafkaError as exc: raise ProducerSendError(f"Error while sending: {exc!r}") from exc
[docs] async def send_and_wait( self, topic: str, key: Optional[bytes], value: Optional[bytes], partition: Optional[int], timestamp: Optional[float], headers: Optional[HeadersArg], *, transactional_id: Optional[str] = None, ) -> RecordMetadata: """Send message and wait for it to be transmitted.""" fut = await self.send( topic, key=key, value=value, partition=partition, timestamp=timestamp, headers=headers, transactional_id=transactional_id, ) return await fut
[docs] async def flush(self) -> None: """Wait for producer to finish transmitting all buffered messages.""" await self.buffer.flush() if self._producer is not None: await self._producer.flush() for transaction_producer in self._transaction_producers.values(): await transaction_producer.flush()
[docs] def key_partition(self, topic: str, key: bytes) -> TP: """Hash key to determine partition destination.""" producer = self._ensure_producer() partition = producer._partition( topic, partition=None, key=None, value=None, serialized_key=key, serialized_value=None, ) return TP(topic, partition)
[docs] def supports_headers(self) -> bool: """Return :const:`True` if message headers are supported.""" producer = self._ensure_producer() client = producer.client if client is None: raise NotReady("Producer client not yet connected") return client.api_version >= (0, 11)
[docs]class Transport(base.Transport): """Kafka transport using :pypi:`aiokafka`.""" Consumer: ClassVar[Type[ConsumerT]] Consumer = Consumer Producer: ClassVar[Type[ProducerT]] Producer = Producer default_port = 9092 driver_version = f"aiokafka={aiokafka.__version__}" _topic_waiters: MutableMapping[str, StampedeWrapper] def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._topic_waiters = {} def _topic_config( self, retention: Optional[int] = None, compacting: Optional[bool] = None, deleting: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]: config: MutableMapping[str, Any] = {} cleanup_flags: Set[str] = set() if compacting: cleanup_flags |= {"compact"} if deleting: cleanup_flags |= {"delete"} if cleanup_flags: config["cleanup.policy"] = ",".join(sorted(cleanup_flags)) if retention: config[""] = retention return config async def _create_topic( self, owner: Service, client: aiokafka.AIOKafkaClient, topic: str, partitions: int, replication: int, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: assert topic is not None try: wrap = self._topic_waiters[topic] except KeyError: wrap = self._topic_waiters[topic] = StampedeWrapper( self._really_create_topic, owner, client, topic, partitions, replication, loop=self.loop, **kwargs, ) try: await wrap() except Exception: self._topic_waiters.pop(topic, None) raise async def _get_controller_node( self, owner: Service, client: aiokafka.AIOKafkaClient, timeout: int = 30000 ) -> Optional[int]: # pragma: no cover nodes = [broker.nodeId for broker in client.cluster.brokers()] for node_id in nodes: if node_id is None: raise NotReady("Not connected to Kafka Broker") request = MetadataRequest_v1([]) wait_result = await owner.wait( client.send(node_id, request), timeout=timeout, ) if wait_result.stopped:"Shutting down - skipping creation.") return None response = wait_result.result return response.controller_id raise Exception("Controller node not found") async def _really_create_topic( self, owner: Service, client: aiokafka.AIOKafkaClient, topic: str, partitions: int, replication: int, *, config: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, timeout: int = 30000, retention: Optional[int] = None, compacting: Optional[bool] = None, deleting: Optional[bool] = None, ensure_created: bool = False, ) -> None: # pragma: no cover"Creating topic %r", topic) if topic in client.cluster.topics(): owner.log.debug("Topic %r exists, skipping creation.", topic) return protocol_version = 1 extra_configs = config or {} config = self._topic_config(retention, compacting, deleting) config.update(extra_configs) controller_node = await self._get_controller_node( owner, client, timeout=timeout ) owner.log.debug("Found controller: %r", controller_node) if controller_node is None: if owner.should_stop:"Shutting down hence controller not found") return else: raise Exception("Controller node is None") request = CreateTopicsRequest[protocol_version]( [(topic, partitions, replication, [], list(config.items()))], timeout, False, ) wait_result = await owner.wait( client.send(controller_node, request), timeout=timeout, ) if wait_result.stopped: owner.log.debug("Shutting down - skipping creation.") return response = wait_result.result assert len(response.topic_error_codes), "single topic" _, code, reason = response.topic_error_codes[0] if code != 0: if not ensure_created and code == TopicExistsError.errno: owner.log.debug("Topic %r exists, skipping creation.", topic) return elif code == NotControllerError.errno: raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid controller: {controller_node}") else: raise for_code(code)(f"Cannot create topic: {topic} ({code}): {reason}") else:"Topic %r created.", topic) return
def credentials_to_aiokafka_auth( credentials: Optional[CredentialsT] = None, ssl_context: Any = None ) -> Mapping: if credentials is not None: if isinstance(credentials, SSLCredentials): return { "security_protocol": credentials.protocol.value, "ssl_context": credentials.context, } elif isinstance(credentials, OAuthCredentials): return { "security_protocol": credentials.protocol.value, "sasl_mechanism": credentials.mechanism.value, "sasl_oauth_token_provider": credentials.oauth_cb, "ssl_context": credentials.ssl_context, } elif isinstance(credentials, SASLCredentials): return { "security_protocol": credentials.protocol.value, "sasl_mechanism": credentials.mechanism.value, "sasl_plain_username": credentials.username, "sasl_plain_password": credentials.password, "ssl_context": credentials.ssl_context, } elif isinstance(credentials, GSSAPICredentials): return { "security_protocol": credentials.protocol.value, "sasl_mechanism": credentials.mechanism.value, "sasl_kerberos_service_name": credentials.kerberos_service_name, "sasl_kerberos_domain_name": credentials.kerberos_domain_name, "ssl_context": credentials.ssl_context, } else: raise ImproperlyConfigured(f"aiokafka does not support {credentials}") elif ssl_context is not None: return { "security_protocol": "SSL", "ssl_context": ssl_context, } else: return {"security_protocol": "PLAINTEXT"} def ensure_aiokafka_TP(tp: TP) -> _TopicPartition: """Convert Faust ``TP`` to aiokafka ``TopicPartition``.""" return ( tp if isinstance(tp, _TopicPartition) else _TopicPartition(tp.topic, tp.partition) ) def ensure_aiokafka_TPset(tps: Iterable[TP]) -> Set[_TopicPartition]: """Convert set of Faust ``TP`` to aiokafka ``TopicPartition``.""" return {ensure_aiokafka_TP(tp) for tp in tps}