Source code for faust.transport.consumer

"""Consumer - fetching messages and managing consumer state.

The Consumer is responsible for:

   - Holds reference to the transport that created it

   - ... and the app via ````.

   - Has a callback that usually points back to ``Conductor.on_message``.

   - Receives messages and calls the callback for every message received.

   - Keeps track of the message and its acked/unacked status.

   - The Conductor forwards the message to all Streams that subscribes
     to the topic the message was sent to.

       + Messages are reference counted, and the Conductor increases
         the reference count to the number of subscribed streams.

       + ``Stream.__aiter__`` is set up in a way such that when what is
         iterating over the stream is finished with the message, a
         finally: block will decrease the reference count by one.

       + When the reference count for a message hits zero, the stream will
         call ``Consumer.ack(message)``, which will mark that topic +
         partition + offset combination as "committable"

       + If all the streams share the same key_type/value_type,
         the conductor will only deserialize the payload once.

   - Commits the offset at an interval

      + The Consumer has a background thread that periodically commits the

      - If the consumer marked an offset as committable this thread
        will advance the committed offset.

      + To find the offset that it can safely advance to the commit thread
        will traverse the _acked mapping of TP to list of acked offsets, by
        finding a range of consecutive acked offsets (see note in


import abc
import asyncio
import gc
import typing
from asyncio import Event
from collections import defaultdict
from time import monotonic
from typing import (
from weakref import WeakSet

from aiokafka.errors import ProducerFenced
from intervaltree import IntervalTree
from mode import Service, ServiceT, flight_recorder, get_logger
from mode.threads import MethodQueue, QueueServiceThread
from mode.utils.futures import notify
from mode.utils.text import pluralize
from mode.utils.times import Seconds

from faust.exceptions import ProducerSendError
from faust.types import TP, AppT, ConsumerMessage, Message, RecordMetadata
from faust.types.core import HeadersArg
from faust.types.transports import (
from faust.types.tuples import FutureMessage
from faust.utils import terminal
from faust.utils.functional import consecutive_numbers
from faust.utils.tracing import traced_from_parent_span

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from import App as _App

    class _App: ...  # noqa: E701

__all__ = ["Consumer", "Fetcher"]

# These flags are used for Service.diag, tracking what the consumer
# service is currently doing.

logger = get_logger(__name__)

RecordMap = Mapping[TP, List[Any]]

class TopicPartitionGroup(NamedTuple):
    """Tuple of ``(topic, partition, group)``."""

    topic: str
    partition: int
    group: int

def ensure_TP(tp: Any) -> TP:
    """Convert aiokafka ``TopicPartition`` to Faust ``TP``."""
    return tp if isinstance(tp, TP) else TP(tp.topic, tp.partition)

def ensure_TPset(tps: Iterable[Any]) -> Set[TP]:
    """Convert set of aiokafka ``TopicPartition`` to Faust ``TP``."""
    return {ensure_TP(tp) for tp in tps}

[docs]class Fetcher(Service): """Service fetching messages from Kafka.""" app: AppT logger = logger _drainer: Optional[asyncio.Future] = None def __init__(self, app: AppT, **kwargs: Any) -> None: = app super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] async def on_stop(self) -> None: """Call when the fetcher is stopping.""" if self._drainer is not None and not self._drainer.done(): self._drainer.cancel() while True: try: await asyncio.wait_for(self._drainer, timeout=1.0) except StopIteration: # Task is cancelled right before coro stops. break except asyncio.CancelledError: break except asyncio.TimeoutError: self.log.warning("Fetcher is ignoring cancel or slow :(") else: # pragma: no cover # coverage does not record this line as being executed # but I've verified that it is [ask] break
@Service.task async def _fetcher(self) -> None: try: consumer = cast(Consumer, await consumer._drain_messages(self) except asyncio.CancelledError as exc: if"Restarting on rebalance") await self.crash(exc) self.supervisor.wakeup() finally: self.set_shutdown()
# Probably this has to go because Transactions are supported in aiokafka class TransactionManager(Service, TransactionManagerT): """Manage producer transactions.""" app: AppT transactional_id_format = "{group_id}-{}-{tpg.partition}" def __init__( self, transport: TransportT, *, consumer: "ConsumerT", producer: "ProducerT", **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: self.transport = transport = self.consumer = consumer self.producer = producer super().__init__(**kwargs) async def flush(self) -> None: """Wait for producer to transmit all pending messages.""" await self.producer.flush() async def on_partitions_revoked(self, revoked: Set[TP]) -> None: """Call when the cluster is rebalancing and partitions are revoked.""" await traced_from_parent_span()(self.flush)() async def on_rebalance( self, assigned: Set[TP], revoked: Set[TP], newly_assigned: Set[TP] ) -> None: """Call when the cluster is rebalancing.""" T = traced_from_parent_span() # Stop producers for revoked partitions. revoked_tids = sorted(self._tps_to_transactional_ids(revoked)) if revoked_tids: "Stopping %r transactional %s for %r revoked %s...", len(revoked_tids), pluralize(len(revoked_tids), "producer"), len(revoked), pluralize(len(revoked), "partition"), ) await T(self._stop_transactions, tids=revoked_tids)(revoked_tids) # Start produers for assigned partitions assigned_tids = sorted(self._tps_to_transactional_ids(assigned)) if assigned_tids: "Starting %r transactional %s for %r assigned %s...", len(assigned_tids), pluralize(len(assigned_tids), "producer"), len(assigned), pluralize(len(assigned), "partition"), ) await T(self._start_transactions, tids=assigned_tids)(assigned_tids) async def _stop_transactions(self, tids: Iterable[str]) -> None: T = traced_from_parent_span() producer = self.producer for transactional_id in tids: await T(producer.stop_transaction)(transactional_id) async def _start_transactions(self, tids: Iterable[str]) -> None: T = traced_from_parent_span() producer = self.producer for transactional_id in tids: await T(producer.maybe_begin_transaction)(transactional_id) def _tps_to_transactional_ids(self, tps: Set[TP]) -> Set[str]: return { self.transactional_id_format.format( tpg=tpg,, ) for tpg in self._tps_to_active_tpgs(tps) } def _tps_to_active_tpgs(self, tps: Set[TP]) -> Set[TopicPartitionGroup]: assignor = return { TopicPartitionGroup( tp.topic, tp.partition, assignor.group_for_topic(tp.topic), ) for tp in tps if not assignor.is_standby(tp) } async def send( self, topic: str, key: Optional[bytes], value: Optional[bytes], partition: Optional[int], timestamp: Optional[float], headers: Optional[HeadersArg], *, transactional_id: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Awaitable[RecordMetadata]: """Schedule message to be sent by producer.""" group = transactional_id = None p = self.consumer.key_partition(topic, key, partition) if p is not None: group = transactional_id = f"{}-{group}-{p}" return await self.producer.send( topic, key, value, p, timestamp, headers, transactional_id=transactional_id, ) def send_soon(self, fut: FutureMessage) -> None: raise NotImplementedError() async def send_and_wait( self, topic: str, key: Optional[bytes], value: Optional[bytes], partition: Optional[int], timestamp: Optional[float], headers: Optional[HeadersArg], *, transactional_id: Optional[str] = None, ) -> RecordMetadata: """Send message and wait for it to be transmitted.""" fut = await self.send(topic, key, value, partition, timestamp, headers) return await fut async def commit( self, offsets: Mapping[TP, int], start_new_transaction: bool = True ) -> bool: """Commit offsets for partitions.""" producer = self.producer group_id = by_transactional_id: MutableMapping[str, MutableMapping[TP, int]] by_transactional_id = defaultdict(dict) for tp, offset in offsets.items(): group = transactional_id = f"{group_id}-{group}-{tp.partition}" by_transactional_id[transactional_id][tp] = offset if by_transactional_id: try: await producer.commit_transactions( by_transactional_id, group_id, start_new_transaction=start_new_transaction, ) except ProducerFenced as pf: logger.warning(f"ProducerFenced {pf}") await return True def key_partition(self, topic: str, key: bytes) -> TP: raise NotImplementedError() async def create_topic( self, topic: str, partitions: int, replication: int, *, config: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, timeout: Seconds = 30.0, retention: Optional[Seconds] = None, compacting: Optional[bool] = None, deleting: Optional[bool] = None, ensure_created: bool = False, ) -> None: """Create/declare topic on server.""" if return await self.producer.create_topic( topic, partitions, replication, config=config, timeout=timeout, retention=retention, compacting=compacting, deleting=deleting, ensure_created=ensure_created, ) else: logger.warning(f"Topic creation disabled! Can't create topic {topic}") def supports_headers(self) -> bool: """Return :const:`True` if the Kafka server supports headers.""" return self.producer.supports_headers()
[docs]class Consumer(Service, ConsumerT): """Base Consumer.""" app: AppT logger = logger #: Tuple of exception types that may be raised when the #: underlying consumer driver is stopped. consumer_stopped_errors: ClassVar[Tuple[Type[BaseException], ...]] = () # Mapping of TP to list of gap in offsets. _gap: MutableMapping[TP, IntervalTree] # Mapping of TP to list of acked offsets. _acked: MutableMapping[TP, List[int]] #: Fast lookup to see if tp+offset was acked. _acked_index: MutableMapping[TP, Set[int]] #: Keeps track of the currently read offset in each TP _read_offset: MutableMapping[TP, Optional[int]] #: Keeps track of the currently committed offset in each TP. _committed_offset: MutableMapping[TP, Optional[int]] #: The consumer.wait_empty() method will set this to be notified #: when something acks a message. _waiting_for_ack: Optional[asyncio.Future] = None #: Used by .commit to ensure only one thread is comitting at a time. #: Other thread starting to commit while a commit is already active, #: will wait for the original request to finish, and do nothing. _commit_fut: Optional[asyncio.Future] = None #: Set of unacked messages: that is messages that we started processing #: and that we MUST attempt to complete processing of, before #: shutting down or resuming a rebalance. _unacked_messages: MutableSet[Message] #: Time of when the consumer was started. _time_start: float # How often to poll and track log end offsets. _end_offset_monitor_interval: float _commit_every: Optional[int] _n_acked: int = 0 _active_partitions: Set[TP] _paused_partitions: Set[TP] _buffered_partitions: Set[TP] flow_active: bool = True can_resume_flow: Event suspend_flow: Event not_waiting_next_records: Event def __init__( self, transport: TransportT, callback: ConsumerCallback, on_partitions_revoked: PartitionsRevokedCallback, on_partitions_assigned: PartitionsAssignedCallback, *, commit_interval: Optional[float] = None, commit_livelock_soft_timeout: Optional[float] = None, loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: assert callback is not None self.transport = transport = self.in_transaction = self.callback = callback self._on_message_in = self._on_partitions_revoked = on_partitions_revoked self._on_partitions_assigned = on_partitions_assigned self._commit_every = self.scheduler = # type: ignore self.commit_interval = commit_interval or self.commit_livelock_soft_timeout = ( commit_livelock_soft_timeout or ) self._gap = defaultdict(IntervalTree) self._acked = defaultdict(list) self._acked_index = defaultdict(set) self._read_offset = defaultdict(lambda: None) self._committed_offset = defaultdict(lambda: None) self._unacked_messages = WeakSet() self._buffered_partitions = set() self._waiting_for_ack = None self._time_start = monotonic() self._end_offset_monitor_interval = self.commit_interval * 2 self.randomly_assigned_topics = set() self.can_resume_flow = Event() self.suspend_flow = Event() self.not_waiting_next_records = Event() self.not_waiting_next_records.set() self._reset_state() super().__init__(loop=loop, **kwargs) self.transactions = self.transport.create_transaction_manager( consumer=self,, beacon=self.beacon, loop=self.loop, )
[docs] def on_init_dependencies(self) -> Iterable[ServiceT]: """Return list of services this consumer depends on.""" # We start the TransactionManager only if # processing_guarantee='exactly_once' if self.in_transaction: return [self.transactions] return []
def _reset_state(self) -> None: self._active_partitions = set() self._paused_partitions = set() self._buffered_partitions = set() self.can_resume_flow.clear() self.suspend_flow.clear() self.not_waiting_next_records.set() self.flow_active = True self._time_start = monotonic()
[docs] async def on_restart(self) -> None: """Call when the consumer is restarted.""" self._reset_state() self.on_init()
def _get_active_partitions(self) -> Set[TP]: tps = self._active_partitions if tps is None: return self._set_active_tps(self.assignment()) assert all(isinstance(x, TP) for x in tps) return tps def _set_active_tps(self, tps: Set[TP]) -> Set[TP]: if self._active_partitions is None: self._active_partitions = set() self._active_partitions.clear() self._active_partitions.update(ensure_TPset(tps)) self._active_partitions.difference_update(self._paused_partitions) return self._active_partitions
[docs] def on_buffer_full(self, tp: TP) -> None: # do not remove the partition when in recovery if not active_partitions = self._get_active_partitions() active_partitions.discard(tp) self._buffered_partitions.add(tp)
[docs] def on_buffer_drop(self, tp: TP) -> None: buffered_partitions = self._buffered_partitions if tp in buffered_partitions: active_partitions = self._get_active_partitions() active_partitions.add(tp) buffered_partitions.discard(tp)
@abc.abstractmethod async def _commit(self, offsets: Mapping[TP, int]) -> bool: # pragma: no cover ...
[docs] async def perform_seek(self) -> None: """Seek all partitions to their current committed position.""" read_offset = self._read_offset _committed_offsets = await self.seek_to_committed() read_offset.update( { tp: offset if offset is not None and offset >= 0 else None for tp, offset in _committed_offsets.items() } ) committed_offsets = { ensure_TP(tp): offset if offset else None for tp, offset in _committed_offsets.items() if offset is not None } self._committed_offset.update(committed_offsets)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod async def seek_to_committed(self) -> Mapping[TP, int]: """Seek all partitions to their committed offsets.""" ...
[docs] async def seek(self, partition: TP, offset: int) -> None: """Seek partition to specific offset.""""SEEK %r -> %r", partition, offset) # reset livelock detection await self._seek(partition, offset) # set new read offset so we will reread messages self._read_offset[ensure_TP(partition)] = offset if offset else None
@abc.abstractmethod async def _seek(self, partition: TP, offset: int) -> None: ...
[docs] def stop_flow(self) -> None: """Block consumer from processing any more messages.""" self.flow_active = False self.can_resume_flow.clear() self.suspend_flow.set()
[docs] def resume_flow(self) -> None: """Allow consumer to process messages.""" self.flow_active = True self.can_resume_flow.set() self.suspend_flow.clear()
[docs] async def wait_for_stopped_flow(self) -> None: """Wait until the consumer is not waiting on any newly fetched records. Useful for scenarios where the consumer needs to be stopped to change the position of the fetcher to something other than the committed offset. There is a chance that getmany forces a seek to the committed offsets if the fetcher returns while the consumer is stopped. This can be prevented by waiting for the fetcher to finish (by default every second). """ if not self.not_waiting_next_records.is_set(): await self.not_waiting_next_records.wait()
[docs] def pause_partitions(self, tps: Iterable[TP]) -> None: """Pause fetching from partitions.""" tpset = ensure_TPset(tps) self._get_active_partitions().difference_update(tpset) self._paused_partitions.update(tpset)
[docs] def resume_partitions(self, tps: Iterable[TP]) -> None: """Resume fetching from partitions.""" tpset = ensure_TPset(tps) self._get_active_partitions().update(tps) self._paused_partitions.difference_update(tpset)
@abc.abstractmethod def _new_topicpartition(self, topic: str, partition: int) -> TP: # pragma: no cover ... def _is_changelog_tp(self, tp: TP) -> bool: return tp.topic in
[docs] @Service.transitions_to(CONSUMER_PARTITIONS_REVOKED) async def on_partitions_revoked(self, revoked: Set[TP]) -> None: """Call during rebalancing when partitions are being revoked.""" # NOTE: # The ConsumerRebalanceListener is responsible for calling # app.on_rebalance_start(), and this must have happened # before we get to this point (see aiokafka implementation). span ="on_partitions_revoked") T = traced_from_parent_span(span) with span: # see comment in on_partitions_assigned # remove revoked partitions from active + paused tps. if self._active_partitions is not None: self._active_partitions.difference_update(revoked) self._paused_partitions.difference_update(revoked) # Remove the revoked partitions from local data structures for tp in revoked: self._gap.pop(tp, None) self._acked.pop(tp, None) self._acked_index.pop(tp, None) self._read_offset.pop(tp, None) self._committed_offset.pop(tp, None) await T(self._on_partitions_revoked, partitions=revoked)(revoked)
[docs] @Service.transitions_to(CONSUMER_PARTITIONS_ASSIGNED) async def on_partitions_assigned( self, assigned: Set[TP], generation_id: int = 0 ) -> None: """Call during rebalancing when partitions are being assigned.""" span ="on_partitions_assigned") T = traced_from_parent_span(span) with span: # remove recently revoked tps from set of paused tps. self._paused_partitions.intersection_update(assigned) # cache set of assigned partitions self._set_active_tps(assigned) # start callback chain of assigned callbacks. # need to copy set at this point, since we cannot have # the callbacks mutate our active list. await T( self._on_partitions_assigned, partitions=assigned, generation_id=generation_id, )(assigned, generation_id)
@abc.abstractmethod async def _getmany( self, active_partitions: Optional[Set[TP]], timeout: float ) -> RecordMap: ...
[docs] async def getmany(self, timeout: float) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[TP, Message]]: """Fetch batch of messages from server.""" # records' contain mapping from TP to list of messages. # if there are two agents, consuming from topics t1 and t2, # normal order of iteration would be to process each # tp in the dict: # for tp. messages in records.items(): # for message in messages: # yield tp, message # # The problem with this, is if we have prefetched 16k records # for one partition, the other partitions won't even start processing # before those 16k records are completed. # # So we try round-robin between the tps instead: # # iterators: Dict[TP, Iterator] = { # tp: iter(messages) # for tp, messages in records.items() # } # while iterators: # for tp, messages in iterators.items(): # yield tp, next(messages) # # remove from iterators if empty. # # The problem with this implementation is that # the records mapping is ordered by TP, so records.keys() # will look like this: # # TP(topic='bar', partition=0) # TP(topic='bar', partition=1) # TP(topic='bar', partition=2) # TP(topic='bar', partition=3) # TP(topic='foo', partition=0) # TP(topic='foo', partition=1) # TP(topic='foo', partition=2) # TP(topic='foo', partition=3) # # If there are 100 partitions for each topic, # it will process 100 items in the first topic, then 100 items # in the other topic, but even worse if partition counts # vary greatly, t1 has 1000 partitions and t2 # has 1 partition, then t2 will end up being starved most of the time. # # We solve this by going round-robin through each topic. records, active_partitions = await self._wait_next_records(timeout) generation_id = if records is None or self.should_stop: return records_it = self.scheduler.iterate(records) to_message = self._to_message # localize if self.flow_active: for tp, record in records_it: if not self.flow_active: break new_generation_id = if new_generation_id != generation_id: "Generation id changed from %r to %r. Cancelling getmany.", generation_id, new_generation_id, ) break if ( active_partitions is None or tp in active_partitions or tp in self._buffered_partitions ): highwater_mark = self.highwater(tp), highwater_mark) # convert timestamp to seconds from int milliseconds. yield tp, to_message(tp, record) else: "getmany called while flow not active. Seek back to committed offsets." ) try: await self.perform_seek() except Exception as ex: self.log.warning(f"exception performing seek when flow not active {ex}")
async def _wait_next_records( self, timeout: float ) -> Tuple[Optional[RecordMap], Optional[Set[TP]]]: if not self.flow_active: await self.wait(self.can_resume_flow) try: # Set signal that _wait_next_records is waiting on the fetcher service. self.not_waiting_next_records.set() # Implementation for the Fetcher service. is_client_only = active_partitions: Optional[Set[TP]] if is_client_only: active_partitions = None else: active_partitions = self._get_active_partitions() records: RecordMap = {} if is_client_only or active_partitions: # Fetch records only if active partitions to avoid the risk of # fetching all partitions in the beginning when none of the # partitions is paused/resumed. records = await self._getmany( active_partitions=active_partitions, timeout=timeout, ) else: # We should still release to the event loop await self.sleep(1) return records, active_partitions finally: self.not_waiting_next_records.set() @abc.abstractmethod def _to_message(self, tp: TP, record: Any) -> ConsumerMessage: ...
[docs] def track_message(self, message: Message) -> None: """Track message and mark it as pending ack.""" # add to set of pending messages that must be acked for graceful # shutdown. This is called by transport.Conductor, # before delivering messages to streams. self._unacked_messages.add(message) # call sensors self._on_message_in(, message.offset, message)
[docs] def ack(self, message: Message) -> bool: """Mark message as being acknowledged by stream.""" if not message.acked: message.acked = True tp = offset = message.offset if committed = self._committed_offset[tp] try: if committed is None or offset >= committed: acked_index = self._acked_index[tp] if offset not in acked_index: self._unacked_messages.discard(message) acked_index.add(offset) acked_for_tp = self._acked[tp] acked_for_tp.append(offset) self._n_acked += 1 return True finally: notify(self._waiting_for_ack) return False
async def _wait_for_ack(self, timeout: float) -> None: # arm future so that `ack()` can wake us up self._waiting_for_ack = asyncio.Future(loop=self.loop) try: # wait for `ack()` to wake us up await asyncio.wait_for(self._waiting_for_ack, timeout=1) except (asyncio.TimeoutError, asyncio.CancelledError): # pragma: no cover pass finally: self._waiting_for_ack = None
[docs] @Service.transitions_to(CONSUMER_WAIT_EMPTY) async def wait_empty(self) -> None: """Wait for all messages that started processing to be acked.""" wait_count = 0 T = traced_from_parent_span() while not self.should_stop and self._unacked_messages: wait_count += 1 if not wait_count % 10: # pragma: no cover remaining = [(m.refcount, m) for m in self._unacked_messages] self.log.warning("wait_empty: Waiting for tasks %r", remaining) "Agent tracebacks:\n%s",, )"STILL WAITING FOR ALL STREAMS TO FINISH")"WAITING FOR %r EVENTS", len(self._unacked_messages)) gc.collect() await T(self.commit)() if not self._unacked_messages: break await T(self._wait_for_ack)(timeout=1) self._clean_unacked_messages()"COMMITTING AGAIN AFTER STREAMS DONE") await T(self.commit_and_end_transactions)()
def _clean_unacked_messages(self) -> None: # remove actually acked messages from weakset. self._unacked_messages -= { message for message in self._unacked_messages if message.acked }
[docs] async def commit_and_end_transactions(self) -> None: """Commit all safe offsets and end transaction.""" await self.commit(start_new_transaction=False)
[docs] async def on_stop(self) -> None: """Call when consumer is stopping.""" if await self.wait_empty() else: await self.commit_and_end_transactions()
@Service.task async def _commit_handler(self) -> None: interval = self.commit_interval await self.sleep(interval) async for sleep_time in self.itertimer(interval, name="commit"): await self.commit() @Service.task async def _commit_livelock_detector(self) -> None: # pragma: no cover interval: float = self.commit_interval * 2.5 await self.sleep(interval) async for sleep_time in self.itertimer(interval, name="livelock"): if not await self.verify_all_partitions_active()
[docs] async def verify_all_partitions_active(self) -> None: now = monotonic() for tp in self.assignment(): await self.sleep(0) if not self.should_stop: self.verify_event_path(now, tp)
[docs] def verify_event_path(self, now: float, tp: TP) -> None: ...
[docs] def verify_recovery_event_path(self, now: float, tp: TP) -> None: ...
[docs] async def commit( self, topics: TPorTopicSet = None, start_new_transaction: bool = True ) -> bool: """Maybe commit the offset for all or specific topics. Arguments: topics: Set containing topics and/or TopicPartitions to commit. """ if # client only cannot commit as consumer does not have group_id return False if await self.maybe_wait_for_commit_to_finish(): # original commit finished, return False as we did not commit return False self._commit_fut = asyncio.Future(loop=self.loop) try: return await self.force_commit( topics, start_new_transaction=start_new_transaction, ) finally: # set commit_fut to None so that next call will commit. fut, self._commit_fut = self._commit_fut, None # notify followers that the commit is done. notify(fut)
[docs] async def maybe_wait_for_commit_to_finish(self) -> bool: """Wait for any existing commit operation to finish.""" # Only one coroutine allowed to commit at a time, # and other coroutines should wait for the original commit to finish # then do nothing. if self._commit_fut is not None: # something is already committing so wait for that future. try: await self._commit_fut except asyncio.CancelledError: # if future is cancelled we have to start new commit pass else: return True return False
[docs] @Service.transitions_to(CONSUMER_COMMITTING) async def force_commit( self, topics: TPorTopicSet = None, start_new_transaction: bool = True ) -> bool: """Force offset commit.""" sensor_state = # Go over the ack list in each topic/partition commit_tps = list(self._filter_tps_with_pending_acks(topics)) did_commit = await self._commit_tps( commit_tps, start_new_transaction=start_new_transaction ), sensor_state) return did_commit
async def _commit_tps(self, tps: Iterable[TP], start_new_transaction: bool) -> bool: commit_offsets = self._filter_committable_offsets(tps) if commit_offsets: try: # send all messages attached to the new offset await self._handle_attached(commit_offsets) except ProducerSendError as exc: await self.crash(exc) else: return await self._commit_offsets( commit_offsets, start_new_transaction=start_new_transaction ) return False def _filter_committable_offsets(self, tps: Iterable[TP]) -> Dict[TP, int]: commit_offsets = {} for tp in tps: # Find the latest offset we can commit in this tp offset = self._new_offset(tp) # check if we can commit to this offset if offset is not None and self._should_commit(tp, offset): commit_offsets[tp] = offset return commit_offsets async def _handle_attached(self, commit_offsets: Mapping[TP, int]) -> None: for tp, offset in commit_offsets.items(): app = cast(_App, attachments = app._attachments producer = app.producer # Start publishing the messages and return a list of pending # futures. pending = await attachments.publish_for_tp_offset(tp, offset) # then we wait for either # 1) all the attached messages to be published, or # 2) the producer crashing # # If the producer crashes we will not be able to send any messages # and it only crashes when there's an irrecoverable error. # # If we cannot commit it means the events will be processed again, # so conforms to at-least-once semantics. if pending: await cast(Service, producer).wait_many(pending) async def _commit_offsets( self, offsets: Mapping[TP, int], start_new_transaction: bool = True ) -> bool: table = terminal.logtable( [(str(tp), str(offset)) for tp, offset in offsets.items()], title="Commit Offsets", headers=["TP", "Offset"], )"COMMITTING OFFSETS:\n%s", table) assignment = self.assignment() committable_offsets: Dict[TP, int] = {} revoked: Dict[TP, int] = {} for tp, offset in offsets.items(): if tp in assignment: committable_offsets[tp] = offset else: revoked[tp] = offset if revoked: "Discarded commit for revoked partitions that " "will be eventually processed again: %r", revoked, ) if not committable_offsets: return False with flight_recorder(self.log, timeout=300.0) as on_timeout: did_commit = False"+consumer.commit()") if self.in_transaction: did_commit = await self.transactions.commit( committable_offsets, start_new_transaction=start_new_transaction, ) else: await did_commit = await self._commit(committable_offsets)"-consumer.commit()") if did_commit:"+tables.on_commit")"-tables.on_commit") self._committed_offset.update(committable_offsets) return did_commit def _filter_tps_with_pending_acks( self, topics: TPorTopicSet = None ) -> Iterator[TP]: return ( tp for tp in self._acked if topics is None or tp in topics or tp.topic in topics ) def _should_commit(self, tp: TP, offset: int) -> bool: committed = self._committed_offset[tp] return committed is None or bool(offset) and offset > committed def _new_offset(self, tp: TP) -> Optional[int]: # get the new offset for this tp, by going through # its list of acked messages. acked = self._acked[tp] # We iterate over it until we find a gap # then return the offset before that. # For example if acked[tp] is: # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 # the return value will be: 10 # If acked[tp] is: # 34 35 36 40 41 42 43 44 # ^--- gap # the return value will be: 37 if acked: max_offset = max(acked) gap_for_tp: IntervalTree = self._gap[tp] if gap_for_tp: # find all the ranges up to the max of acked, add them in to acked, # and chop them off the gap. candidates = gap_for_tp.overlap(0, max_offset) # note: merge_overlaps will sort the intervaltree and will ensure that # the intervals left over don't overlap each other. So can sort by their # start without worrying about ends overlapping. sorted_candidates = sorted(candidates, key=lambda x: x.begin) if sorted_candidates: stuff_to_add = [] for entry in sorted_candidates: stuff_to_add.extend(range(entry.begin, entry.end)) new_max_offset = max(stuff_to_add[-1], max_offset + 1) acked.extend(stuff_to_add) gap_for_tp.chop(0, new_max_offset) acked.sort() # We iterate over it until we handle gap in the head of acked queue # then return the previous committed offset. # For example if acked[tp] is: # 34 35 36 37 # ^-- gap # self._committed_offset[tp] is 31 # the return value will be None (the same as 31) if self._committed_offset[tp]: if min(acked) - self._committed_offset[tp] > 1: return None # Note: acked is always kept sorted. # find first list of consecutive numbers batch = next(consecutive_numbers(acked)) # remove them from the list to clean up. acked[: len(batch)] = [] self._acked_index[tp].difference_update(batch) # return the highest commit offset return batch[-1] + 1 return None
[docs] async def on_task_error(self, exc: BaseException) -> None: """Call when processing a message failed.""" await self.commit()
async def _add_gap(self, tp: TP, offset_from: int, offset_to: int) -> None: committed = self._committed_offset[tp] gap_for_tp = self._gap[tp] if committed is not None: offset_from = max(offset_from, committed + 1) # intervaltree intervals exclude the end if offset_from <= offset_to: gap_for_tp.addi(offset_from, offset_to + 1) # sleep 0 to allow other coroutines to get some loop time # for example, to answer health checks while building the gap await asyncio.sleep(0) gap_for_tp.merge_overlaps() async def _drain_messages(self, fetcher: ServiceT) -> None: # pragma: no cover # This is the background thread started by Fetcher, used to # constantly read messages using Consumer.getmany. # It takes Fetcher as argument, because we must be able to # stop it using `await Fetcher.stop()`. callback = self.callback getmany = self.getmany consumer_should_stop = cast(Service, self)._stopped.is_set fetcher_should_stop = cast(Service, fetcher)._stopped.is_set get_read_offset = self._read_offset.__getitem__ set_read_offset = self._read_offset.__setitem__ flag_consumer_fetching = CONSUMER_FETCHING set_flag = self.diag.set_flag unset_flag = self.diag.unset_flag commit_every = self._commit_every acks_enabled_for = yield_every = 100 num_since_yield = 0 sleep = asyncio.sleep try: while not (consumer_should_stop() or fetcher_should_stop()): set_flag(flag_consumer_fetching) ait = cast(AsyncIterator, getmany(timeout=1.0)) # Sleeping because sometimes getmany is called in a loop # never releasing to the event loop await self.sleep(0) if not self.should_stop: async for tp, message in ait: num_since_yield += 1 if num_since_yield > yield_every: await sleep(0) num_since_yield = 0 offset = message.offset r_offset = get_read_offset(tp) if r_offset is None or offset >= r_offset: gap = offset - (r_offset or 0) # We have a gap in income messages if gap > 1 and r_offset: acks_enabled = acks_enabled_for(message.topic) if acks_enabled: await self._add_gap(tp, r_offset + 1, offset) if commit_every is not None: if self._n_acked >= commit_every: self._n_acked = 0 await self.commit() await self.wait_first( callback(message), self.suspend_flow.wait() ) set_read_offset(tp, offset) else: "DROPPED MESSAGE ROFF %r: k=%r v=%r", offset, message.key, message.value, ) unset_flag(flag_consumer_fetching) except self.consumer_stopped_errors: if # we're already stopping so ignore"Broker stopped consumer, shutting down...") return raise except asyncio.CancelledError: if # we're already stopping so ignore"Consumer shutting down for user cancel.") return raise except Exception as exc: self.log.exception("Drain messages raised: %r", exc) raise finally: unset_flag(flag_consumer_fetching)
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Close consumer for graceful shutdown.""" ...
@property def unacked(self) -> Set[Message]: """Return the set of currently unacknowledged messages.""" return cast(Set[Message], self._unacked_messages)
class ConsumerThread(QueueServiceThread): """Consumer running in a dedicated thread.""" app: AppT consumer: "ThreadDelegateConsumer" transport: TransportT def __init__(self, consumer: "ThreadDelegateConsumer", **kwargs: Any) -> None: self.consumer = consumer self.transport = self.consumer.transport = super().__init__(**kwargs) @abc.abstractmethod async def subscribe(self, topics: Iterable[str]) -> None: """Reset subscription (requires rebalance).""" ... @abc.abstractmethod async def seek_to_committed(self) -> Mapping[TP, int]: """Seek all partitions to their committed offsets.""" ... @abc.abstractmethod async def commit(self, tps: Mapping[TP, int]) -> bool: """Commit offsets in topic partitions.""" ... @abc.abstractmethod async def position(self, tp: TP) -> Optional[int]: """Return the current offset for partition.""" ... @abc.abstractmethod async def seek_to_beginning(self, *partitions: TP) -> None: """Seek to the earliest offsets available for partitions.""" ... @abc.abstractmethod async def seek_wait(self, partitions: Mapping[TP, int]) -> None: """Seek partitions to specific offsets and wait.""" ... @abc.abstractmethod def seek(self, partition: TP, offset: int) -> None: """Seek partition to specific offset.""" ... @abc.abstractmethod def assignment(self) -> Set[TP]: """Return the current assignment.""" ... @abc.abstractmethod def highwater(self, tp: TP) -> int: """Return the last available offset in partition.""" ... @abc.abstractmethod def topic_partitions(self, topic: str) -> Optional[int]: """Return number of configured partitions for topic by name.""" ... @abc.abstractmethod def close(self) -> None: ... @abc.abstractmethod async def earliest_offsets(self, *partitions: TP) -> Mapping[TP, int]: """Return the earliest available offset for list of partitions.""" ... @abc.abstractmethod async def highwaters(self, *partitions: TP) -> Mapping[TP, int]: """Return the last available offset for list of partitions.""" ... @abc.abstractmethod async def getmany( self, active_partitions: Optional[Set[TP]], timeout: float ) -> RecordMap: """Fetch batch of messages from server.""" ... @abc.abstractmethod async def create_topic( self, topic: str, partitions: int, replication: int, *, config: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, timeout: Seconds = 30.0, retention: Optional[Seconds] = None, compacting: Optional[bool] = None, deleting: Optional[bool] = None, ensure_created: bool = False, ) -> None: """Create/declare topic on server.""" ... async def on_partitions_revoked(self, revoked: Set[TP]) -> None: """Call on rebalance when partitions are being revoked.""" await self.consumer.threadsafe_partitions_revoked(self.thread_loop, revoked) async def on_partitions_assigned( self, assigned: Set[TP], generation_id: int = 0 ) -> None: """Call on rebalance when partitions are being assigned.""" await self.consumer.threadsafe_partitions_assigned( self.thread_loop, assigned, generation_id ) @abc.abstractmethod def key_partition( self, topic: str, key: Optional[bytes], partition: Optional[int] = None ) -> Optional[int]: """Hash key to determine partition number.""" ... def verify_recovery_event_path(self, now: float, tp: TP) -> None: ... class ThreadDelegateConsumer(Consumer): _thread: ConsumerThread #: Main thread method queue. #: The consumer is running in a separate thread, and so we send #: requests to it via a queue. #: Sometimes the thread needs to call code owned by the main thread, #: such as App.on_partitions_revoked, and in that case the thread #: uses this method queue. _method_queue: MethodQueue def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._method_queue = MethodQueue(loop=self.loop, beacon=self.beacon) self.add_dependency(self._method_queue) self._thread = self._new_consumer_thread() self.add_dependency(self._thread) @abc.abstractmethod def _new_consumer_thread(self) -> ConsumerThread: ... async def threadsafe_partitions_revoked( self, receiver_loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, revoked: Set[TP] ) -> None: """Call rebalancing callback in a thread-safe manner.""" promise = await receiver_loop.create_future(), self.on_partitions_revoked, revoked, ) # wait for main-thread to finish processing request await promise async def threadsafe_partitions_assigned( self, receiver_loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, assigned: Set[TP], generation_id: int = 0, ) -> None: """Call rebalancing callback in a thread-safe manner.""" promise = await receiver_loop.create_future(), self.on_partitions_assigned, assigned, generation_id, ) # wait for main-thread to finish processing request await promise async def _getmany( self, active_partitions: Optional[Set[TP]], timeout: float ) -> RecordMap: return await self._thread.getmany(active_partitions, timeout) async def subscribe(self, topics: Iterable[str]) -> None: """Reset subscription (requires rebalance).""" await self._thread.subscribe(topics=topics) async def seek_to_committed(self) -> Mapping[TP, int]: """Seek all partitions to the committed offset.""" return await self._thread.seek_to_committed() async def position(self, tp: TP) -> Optional[int]: """Return the current position for partition.""" return await self._thread.position(tp) async def seek_wait(self, partitions: Mapping[TP, int]) -> None: """Seek partitions to specific offsets and wait.""" return await self._thread.seek_wait(partitions) async def _seek(self, partition: TP, offset: int) -> None:, offset) def assignment(self) -> Set[TP]: """Return the current assignment.""" return self._thread.assignment() def highwater(self, tp: TP) -> int: """Return the last available offset for specific partition.""" return self._thread.highwater(tp) def topic_partitions(self, topic: str) -> Optional[int]: """Return the number of partitions configured for topic by name.""" return self._thread.topic_partitions(topic) async def earliest_offsets(self, *partitions: TP) -> Mapping[TP, int]: """Return the earliest offsets for a list of partitions.""" return await self._thread.earliest_offsets(*partitions) async def highwaters(self, *partitions: TP) -> Mapping[TP, int]: """Return the last offset for a list of partitions.""" return await self._thread.highwaters(*partitions) async def _commit(self, offsets: Mapping[TP, int]) -> bool: return await self._thread.commit(offsets) def close(self) -> None: """Close consumer for graceful shutdown.""" self._thread.close() def key_partition( self, topic: str, key: Optional[bytes], partition: Optional[int] = None ) -> Optional[int]: """Hash key to determine partition number.""" return self._thread.key_partition(topic, key, partition=partition) def verify_recovery_event_path(self, now: float, tp: TP) -> None: return self._thread.verify_recovery_event_path(now, tp)