Source code for faust.sensors.statsd

"""Monitor using Statsd."""

import typing
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, cast

from mode.utils.objects import cached_property

from faust import web
from faust.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from faust.types import (
from faust.types.assignor import PartitionAssignorT
from faust.types.transports import ConsumerT, ProducerT

from .monitor import Monitor, TPOffsetMapping

    import statsd
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    statsd = None

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from statsd import StatsClient

    class StatsClient: ...  # noqa

__all__ = ["StatsdMonitor"]

[docs]class StatsdMonitor(Monitor): """Statsd Faust Sensor. This sensor, records statistics to Statsd along with computing metrics for the stats server """ host: str port: int prefix: str def __init__( self, host: str = "localhost", port: int = 8125, prefix: str = "faust-app", rate: float = 1.0, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: = host self.port = port self.prefix = prefix self.rate = rate if statsd is None: raise ImproperlyConfigured("StatsMonitor requires `pip install statsd`.") super().__init__(**kwargs) def _new_statsd_client(self) -> StatsClient: return statsd.StatsClient(, port=self.port, prefix=self.prefix)
[docs] def on_message_in(self, tp: TP, offset: int, message: Message) -> None: """Call before message is delegated to streams.""" super().on_message_in(tp, offset, message) self.client.incr("messages_received", rate=self.rate) self.client.incr("messages_active", rate=self.rate) self.client.incr(f"topic.{tp.topic}.messages_received", rate=self.rate) self.client.gauge(f"read_offset.{tp.topic}.{tp.partition}", offset)
[docs] def on_stream_event_in( self, tp: TP, offset: int, stream: StreamT, event: EventT ) -> Optional[Dict]: """Call when stream starts processing an event.""" state = super().on_stream_event_in(tp, offset, stream, event) self.client.incr("events", rate=self.rate) self.client.incr( f"stream.{self._stream_label(stream)}.events", rate=self.rate, ) self.client.incr("events_active", rate=self.rate) return state
def _stream_label(self, stream: StreamT) -> str: return ( self._normalize( stream.shortlabel.lstrip("Stream:"), ) .strip("_") .lower() )
[docs] def on_stream_event_out( self, tp: TP, offset: int, stream: StreamT, event: EventT, state: Dict = None ) -> None: """Call when stream is done processing an event.""" super().on_stream_event_out(tp, offset, stream, event, state) self.client.decr("events_active", rate=self.rate) if state is not None: self.client.timing( "events_runtime", self.secs_to_ms(self.events_runtime[-1]), rate=self.rate, )
[docs] def on_message_out(self, tp: TP, offset: int, message: Message) -> None: """Call when message is fully acknowledged and can be committed.""" super().on_message_out(tp, offset, message) self.client.decr("messages_active", rate=self.rate)
[docs] def on_table_get(self, table: CollectionT, key: Any) -> None: """Call when value in table is retrieved.""" super().on_table_get(table, key) self.client.incr(f"table.{}.keys_retrieved", rate=self.rate)
[docs] def on_table_set(self, table: CollectionT, key: Any, value: Any) -> None: """Call when new value for key in table is set.""" super().on_table_set(table, key, value) self.client.incr(f"table.{}.keys_updated", rate=self.rate)
[docs] def on_table_del(self, table: CollectionT, key: Any) -> None: """Call when key in a table is deleted.""" super().on_table_del(table, key) self.client.incr(f"table.{}.keys_deleted", rate=self.rate)
[docs] def on_commit_completed(self, consumer: ConsumerT, state: Any) -> None: """Call when consumer commit offset operation completed.""" super().on_commit_completed(consumer, state) self.client.timing( "commit_latency", self.ms_since(cast(float, state)), rate=self.rate )
[docs] def on_send_initiated( self, producer: ProducerT, topic: str, message: PendingMessage, keysize: int, valsize: int, ) -> Any: """Call when message added to producer buffer.""" self.client.incr(f"topic.{topic}.messages_sent", rate=self.rate) return super().on_send_initiated(producer, topic, message, keysize, valsize)
[docs] def on_send_completed( self, producer: ProducerT, state: Any, metadata: RecordMetadata ) -> None: """Call when producer finished sending message.""" super().on_send_completed(producer, state, metadata) self.client.incr("messages_sent", rate=self.rate) self.client.timing( "send_latency", self.ms_since(cast(float, state)), rate=self.rate )
[docs] def on_send_error( self, producer: ProducerT, exc: BaseException, state: Any ) -> None: """Call when producer was unable to publish message.""" super().on_send_error(producer, exc, state) self.client.incr("messages_sent_error", rate=self.rate) self.client.timing( "send_latency_for_error", self.ms_since(cast(float, state)), rate=self.rate )
[docs] def on_assignment_error( self, assignor: PartitionAssignorT, state: Dict, exc: BaseException ) -> None: """Partition assignor did not complete assignor due to error.""" super().on_assignment_error(assignor, state, exc) self.client.incr("assignments_error", rate=self.rate) self.client.timing( "assignment_latency", self.ms_since(state["time_start"]), rate=self.rate )
[docs] def on_assignment_completed( self, assignor: PartitionAssignorT, state: Dict ) -> None: """Partition assignor completed assignment.""" super().on_assignment_completed(assignor, state) self.client.incr("assignments_complete", rate=self.rate) self.client.timing( "assignment_latency", self.ms_since(state["time_start"]), rate=self.rate )
[docs] def on_rebalance_start(self, app: AppT) -> Dict: """Cluster rebalance in progress.""" state = super().on_rebalance_start(app) self.client.incr("rebalances", rate=self.rate) return state
[docs] def on_rebalance_return(self, app: AppT, state: Dict) -> None: """Consumer replied assignment is done to broker.""" super().on_rebalance_return(app, state) self.client.decr("rebalances", rate=self.rate) self.client.incr("rebalances_recovering", rate=self.rate) self.client.timing( "rebalance_return_latency", self.ms_since(state["time_return"]), rate=self.rate, )
[docs] def on_rebalance_end(self, app: AppT, state: Dict) -> None: """Cluster rebalance fully completed (including recovery).""" super().on_rebalance_end(app, state) self.client.decr("rebalances_recovering", rate=self.rate) self.client.timing( "rebalance_end_latency", self.ms_since(state["time_end"]), rate=self.rate )
[docs] def count(self, metric_name: str, count: int = 1) -> None: """Count metric by name.""" super().count(metric_name, count=count) self.client.incr(metric_name, count=count, rate=self.rate)
[docs] def on_tp_commit(self, tp_offsets: TPOffsetMapping) -> None: """Call when offset in topic partition is committed.""" super().on_tp_commit(tp_offsets) for tp, offset in tp_offsets.items(): metric_name = f"committed_offset.{tp.topic}.{tp.partition}" self.client.gauge(metric_name, offset)
[docs] def track_tp_end_offset(self, tp: TP, offset: int) -> None: """Track new topic partition end offset for monitoring lags.""" super().track_tp_end_offset(tp, offset) metric_name = f"end_offset.{tp.topic}.{tp.partition}" self.client.gauge(metric_name, offset)
[docs] def on_web_request_end( self, app: AppT, request: web.Request, response: Optional[web.Response], state: Dict, *, view: web.View = None, ) -> None: """Web server finished working on request.""" super().on_web_request_end(app, request, response, state, view=view) status_code = int(state["status_code"]) self.client.incr(f"http_status_code.{status_code}", rate=self.rate) self.client.timing( "http_response_latency", self.ms_since(state["time_end"]), rate=self.rate )
[docs] @cached_property def client(self) -> StatsClient: """Return statsd client.""" return self._new_statsd_client()