Source code for faust.models.fields

import inspect
import sys
from datetime import datetime
from decimal import Decimal, DecimalTuple
from functools import lru_cache
from operator import attrgetter
from typing import (

from mode.utils.objects import cached_property
from mode.utils.text import pluralize

from faust.exceptions import ValidationError
from faust.types.models import FieldDescriptorT, ModelT, T
from faust.utils import iso8601

from .tags import Tag
from .typing import NodeType, TypeExpression

__all__ = [

CharacterType = TypeVar("CharacterType", str, bytes)

def _is_concrete_model(typ: Type = None) -> bool:
    return (
        typ is not None
        and inspect.isclass(typ)
        and issubclass(typ, ModelT)
        and typ is not ModelT
        and not getattr(typ, "__is_abstract__", False)

[docs]class FieldDescriptor(FieldDescriptorT[T]): """Describes a field. Used for every field in Record so that they can be used in join's /group_by etc. Examples: >>> class Withdrawal(Record): ... account_id: str ... amount: float = 0.0 >>> Withdrawal.account_id <FieldDescriptor: Withdrawal.account_id: str> >>> Withdrawal.amount <FieldDescriptor: Withdrawal.amount: float = 0.0> Arguments: field (str): Name of field. type (Type): Field value type. required (bool): Set to false if field is optional. default (Any): Default value when `required=False`. Keyword Arguments: model (Type): Model class the field belongs to. parent (FieldDescriptorT): parent field if any. """ #: Name of attribute on Model. field: str #: Name of field in serialized data (if differs from :attr:`field`). #: Defaults to :attr:`field`. input_name: str #: Name of field when serializing data (if differs from :attr:`field`). #: Defaults to :attr:`input_name`. output_name: str #: Type of value (e.g. ``int``, or ``Optional[int]``)). type: Type[T] #: The model class this field is associated with. model: Type[ModelT] #: Set if a value for this field is required (cannot be :const:`None`). required: bool = True #: Default value for non-required field. default: Optional[T] = None # noqa: E704 #: Coerce value to field descriptors type. #: This means assigning a value to this field, will first convert #: the value to the requested type. #: For example for a :class:`FloatField` the input will be converted #: to float, and passing any value that cannot be converted to float #: will raise an error. #: #: If coerce is not enabled you can store any type of value. #: #: Note: :const:`None` is usually considered a valid value for any field #: but this depends on the descriptor type. coerce: bool = False #: Exclude field from model representation. #: This means the field will not be part of the serialized structure. #: (``Model.dumps()``, ``Model.asdict()``, and #: ``Model.to_representation()``). exclude: bool = False #: Field may be tagged with Secret/Sensitive/etc. tag: Optional[Type[Tag]] _to_python: Optional[Callable[[T], T]] _expr: Optional[TypeExpression] def __init__( self, *, field: Optional[str] = None, input_name: Optional[str] = None, output_name: Optional[str] = None, type: Type[T] = None, model: Type[ModelT] = None, required: bool = True, default: T = None, parent: Optional[FieldDescriptorT] = None, coerce: Optional[bool] = None, exclude: Optional[bool] = None, date_parser: Callable[[Any], datetime] = None, tag: Type[Tag] = None, **options: Any, ) -> None: self.field = cast(str, field) self.input_name = cast(str, input_name or field) self.output_name = output_name or self.input_name self.type = cast(Type[T], type) self.model = cast(Type[ModelT], model) self.required = required self.default = default self.parent = parent self._copy_descriptors(self.type) if coerce is not None: self.coerce = coerce if exclude is not None: self.exclude = exclude self.options = options if date_parser is None: date_parser = iso8601.parse self.date_parser: Callable[[Any], datetime] = date_parser self.tag = tag self._to_python = None self._expr = None
[docs] def on_model_attached(self) -> None: self._expr = self._prepare_type_expression() self._to_python = self._compile_type_expression()
def _prepare_type_expression(self) -> TypeExpression: expr = TypeExpression( self.type, user_types=self.options["model_coercions"], date_parser=self.date_parser, ) return expr def _compile_type_expression(self) -> Optional[Callable[[T], T]]: assert self._expr is not None expr = self._expr comprehension = expr.as_function(stacklevel=2) if ( expr.has_generic_types and expr.has_custom_types ) or expr.has_nonfield_types: return cast(Callable, comprehension) return None def __set_name__(self, owner: Type[ModelT], name: str) -> None: self.model = owner self.field = name
[docs] def clone(self, **kwargs: Any) -> FieldDescriptorT: return type(self)(**{**self.as_dict(), **kwargs})
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]: return { "field": self.field, "input_name": self.input_name, "output_name": self.output_name, "type": self.type, "model": self.model, "required": self.required, "default": self.default, "parent": self.parent, "coerce": self.coerce, "exclude": self.exclude, "date_parser": self.date_parser, "tag": self.tag, **self.options, }
[docs] def validate_all(self, value: Any) -> Iterable[ValidationError]: need_coercion = not self.coerce try: v = self.prepare_value(value, coerce=need_coercion) except (TypeError, ValueError) as exc: vt = type(value) yield self.validation_error( f"{self.field} is not correct type for {self}, " f"got {vt!r}: {exc!r}" ) except Exception as exc: yield self.validation_error( f"{self.field} got internal error for value {value!r} " f"{exc!r}" ) else: if v is not None or self.required: yield from self.validate(cast(T, v))
[docs] def validate(self, value: T) -> Iterable[ValidationError]: return iter([])
[docs] def to_python(self, value: Any) -> Optional[T]: to_python = self._to_python if to_python is not None: value = to_python(value) return self.prepare_value(value)
[docs] def prepare_value( self, value: Any, *, coerce: Optional[bool] = None ) -> Optional[T]: return cast(T, value)
def _copy_descriptors(self, typ: Type = None) -> None: if typ is not None and _is_concrete_model(typ): typ._contribute_field_descriptors(self, typ._options, parent=self) def __get__(self, instance: Any, owner: Type) -> Any: # class attribute accessed if instance is None: return self field = self.field instance_dict = instance.__dict__ to_python = self._to_python value = instance_dict[field] if self.lazy_coercion and to_python is not None: evaluated_fields: Set[str] evaluated_fields = instance.__evaluated_fields__ if field not in evaluated_fields: if value is not None or self.required: value = instance_dict[field] = to_python(value) evaluated_fields.add(field) return value
[docs] def should_coerce(self, value: Any, coerce: Optional[bool] = None) -> bool: c = coerce if coerce is not None else self.coerce return c and (self.required or value is not None)
[docs] def getattr(self, obj: ModelT) -> T: """Get attribute from model recursively. Supports recursive lookups e.g. ``model.getattr('x.y.z')``. """ return attrgetter(".".join(reversed(list(self._parents_path()))))(obj)
def _parents_path(self) -> Iterable[str]: node: Optional[FieldDescriptorT] = self while node: yield node.field node = node.parent
[docs] def validation_error(self, reason: str) -> ValidationError: return ValidationError(reason, field=self)
def __set__(self, instance: Any, value: T) -> None: value = cast(T, self.prepare_value(value)) if self.tag: value = cast(T, self.tag(value, field=self.field)) else: value = value instance.__dict__[self.field] = value def __repr__(self) -> str: default = "" if self.required else f" = {self.default!r}" typ = getattr(self.type, "__name__", self.type) return f"<{type(self).__name__}: {self.ident}: {typ}{default}>" @property def ident(self) -> str: """Return the fields identifier.""" return f"{self.model.__name__}.{self.field}"
[docs] @cached_property def related_models(self) -> Set[Type[ModelT]]: assert self._expr is not None return self._expr.found_types[NodeType.MODEL]
[docs] @cached_property def lazy_coercion(self) -> bool: assert self._expr is not None return self._expr.has_generic_types or self._expr.has_models
[docs]class BooleanField(FieldDescriptor[bool]):
[docs] def validate(self, value: T) -> Iterable[ValidationError]: if not isinstance(value, bool): yield self.validation_error( f"{self.field} must be True or False, of type bool" )
[docs] def prepare_value( self, value: Any, *, coerce: Optional[bool] = None ) -> Optional[bool]: if self.should_coerce(value, coerce): return True if value else False return value
[docs]class NumberField(FieldDescriptor[T]): max_value: Optional[int] min_value: Optional[int] def __init__( self, *, max_value: Optional[int] = None, min_value: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: self.max_value = max_value self.min_value = min_value super().__init__( **kwargs, **{ "max_value": max_value, "min_value": min_value, }, )
[docs] def validate(self, value: T) -> Iterable[ValidationError]: val = cast(int, value) max_ = self.max_value if max_: if val > max_: yield self.validation_error(f"{self.field} cannot be more than {max_}") min_ = self.min_value if min_: if val < min_: yield self.validation_error(f"{self.field} must be at least {min_}")
[docs]class IntegerField(NumberField[int]):
[docs] def prepare_value( self, value: Any, *, coerce: Optional[bool] = None ) -> Optional[int]: return int(value) if self.should_coerce(value, coerce) else value
[docs]class FloatField(NumberField[float]):
[docs] def prepare_value( self, value: Any, *, coerce: Optional[bool] = None ) -> Optional[float]: return float(value) if self.should_coerce(value, coerce) else value
[docs]class DecimalField(NumberField[Decimal]): max_digits: Optional[int] = None max_decimal_places: Optional[int] = None def __init__( self, *, max_digits: Optional[int] = None, max_decimal_places: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: self.max_digits = max_digits self.max_decimal_places = max_decimal_places super().__init__( **kwargs, **{ "max_digits": max_digits, "max_decimal_places": max_decimal_places, }, )
[docs] def to_python(self, value: Any) -> Any: if self._to_python is None: if self.model._options.decimals: return self.prepare_value(value, coerce=True) return self.prepare_value(value) else: return self._to_python(value)
[docs] def prepare_value( self, value: Any, *, coerce: Optional[bool] = None ) -> Optional[Decimal]: return Decimal(value) if self.should_coerce(value, coerce) else value
[docs] def validate(self, value: Decimal) -> Iterable[ValidationError]: if not value.is_finite(): # check for Inf/NaN/sNaN/qNaN yield self.validation_error(f"Illegal value in decimal: {value!r}") decimal_tuple: Optional[DecimalTuple] = None mdp = self.max_decimal_places if mdp: decimal_tuple = value.as_tuple() if abs(decimal_tuple.exponent) > mdp: yield self.validation_error( f"{self.field} must have less than {mdp} decimal places." ) max_digits = self.max_digits if max_digits: if decimal_tuple is None: decimal_tuple = value.as_tuple() digits = len(decimal_tuple.digits[: decimal_tuple.exponent]) if digits > max_digits: yield self.validation_error( f"{self.field} must have less than {max_digits} digits." )
class CharField(FieldDescriptor[CharacterType]): max_length: Optional[int] min_length: Optional[int] trim_whitespace: bool allow_blank: bool def __init__( self, *, max_length: Optional[int] = None, min_length: Optional[int] = None, trim_whitespace: bool = False, allow_blank: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: self.max_length = max_length self.min_length = min_length self.trim_whitespace = trim_whitespace self.allow_blank = allow_blank super().__init__( **kwargs, **{ "max_length": max_length, "min_length": min_length, "trim_whitespace": trim_whitespace, "allow_blank": allow_blank, }, ) def validate(self, value: CharacterType) -> Iterable[ValidationError]: allow_blank = self.allow_blank if not allow_blank and not len(value): yield self.validation_error(f"{self.field} cannot be left blank") max_ = self.max_length length = len(value) min_ = self.min_length if min_: if length < min_: chars = pluralize(min_, "character") yield self.validation_error( f"{self.field} must have at least {min_} {chars}" ) if max_: if length > max_: chars = pluralize(max_, "character") yield self.validation_error( f"{self.field} must be at least {max_} {chars}" )
[docs]class StringField(CharField[str]):
[docs] def prepare_value( self, value: Any, *, coerce: Optional[bool] = None ) -> Optional[str]: if self.should_coerce(value, coerce): val = str(value) if not isinstance(value, str) else value if self.trim_whitespace: return val.strip() return val else: return value
[docs]class DatetimeField(FieldDescriptor[datetime]):
[docs] def to_python(self, value: Any) -> Any: if self._to_python is None: if self.model._options.isodates: return self.prepare_value(value, coerce=True) return self.prepare_value(value) else: return self._to_python(value)
[docs] def prepare_value( self, value: Any, *, coerce: Optional[bool] = None ) -> Optional[datetime]: if self.should_coerce(value, coerce): if value is not None and not isinstance(value, datetime): return self.date_parser(value) else: return value else: return value
[docs]class BytesField(CharField[bytes]): encoding: str = sys.getdefaultencoding() errors: str = "strict" def __init__( self, *, encoding: Optional[str] = None, errors: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: if encoding is not None: self.encoding = encoding if errors is not None: self.errors = errors super().__init__( encoding=self.encoding, errors=self.errors, **kwargs, )
[docs] def prepare_value( self, value: Any, *, coerce: Optional[bool] = None ) -> Optional[bytes]: if self.should_coerce(value, coerce): if isinstance(value, bytes): val = value else: val = cast(str, value).encode(encoding=self.encoding) if self.trim_whitespace: return val.strip() return val else: return value
TYPE_TO_FIELD = { bool: BooleanField, int: IntegerField, float: FloatField, Decimal: DecimalField, str: StringField, bytes: BytesField, datetime: DatetimeField, }
[docs]@lru_cache(maxsize=2048) def field_for_type(typ: Type) -> Tuple[Type[FieldDescriptorT], Optional[Type[Tag]]]: try: # 1) Check if type is in fast index. return TYPE_TO_FIELD[typ], None except KeyError: # 2) Unwrap Tag fields to their destination type. try: origin = typ.__origin__ except AttributeError: pass else: try: if origin is not None and issubclass(origin, Tag): return field_for_type(typ.__args__[0])[0], typ except TypeError: pass # 3) Check if type is a subclass of any of the types # in TYPE_TO_FIELD for basecls, DescriptorType in TYPE_TO_FIELD.items(): try: if issubclass(typ, basecls): return DescriptorType, None except TypeError: # not a type that can be used with issubclass # so skip trying break return FieldDescriptor, None