Source code for faust.livecheck.models
"""LiveCheck - Models."""
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional
from mode.utils.compat import want_str
from mode.utils.objects import cached_property
from mode.utils.text import abbr
from faust import Record
from faust.utils.iso8601 import parse as parse_iso8601
__all__ = ["State", "SignalEvent", "TestExecution", "TestReport"]
HEADER_TEST_ID = "LiveCheck-Test-Id"
HEADER_TEST_NAME = "LiveCheck-Test-Name"
HEADER_TEST_TIMESTAMP = "LiveCheck-Test-Timestamp"
HEADER_TEST_EXPIRES = "LiveCheck-Test-Expires"
[docs]class State(Enum):
"""Test execution status."""
DO_NOT_SHARE = "111/***/111"
[docs] def is_ok(self) -> bool:
"""Return :const:`True` if this is considered an OK state."""
return self in OK_STATES
OK_STATES = frozenset({State.INIT, State.DO_NOT_SHARE, State.SKIP})
[docs]class SignalEvent(Record):
"""Signal sent to test (see :class:`faust.livecheck.signals.Signal`)."""
signal_name: str
case_name: str
key: Any
value: Any
[docs]class TestExecution(Record, isodates=True):
"""Requested test execution."""
id: str
case_name: str
timestamp: datetime
test_args: List[Any]
test_kwargs: Dict[str, Any]
expires: datetime
[docs] @cached_property
def ident(self) -> str:
"""Return long identifier for this test used in logs."""
return self._build_ident(self.case_name,
[docs] @cached_property
def shortident(self) -> str:
"""Return short identifier for this test used in logs."""
return self._build_ident(
abbr(, max=15, suffix="[...]"),
def _build_ident(self, case_name: str, id: str) -> str:
return f"{case_name}:{id}"
def _now(self) -> datetime:
return datetime.utcnow().astimezone(timezone.utc)
[docs] @cached_property
def human_date(self) -> str:
"""Return human-readable description of test timestamp."""
if self.was_issued_today:
return f"""Today {self.timestamp.strftime('%H:%M:%S')}"""
return str(self.timestamp)
[docs] @cached_property
def was_issued_today(self) -> bool:
"""Return :const:`True` if test was issued on todays date."""
return == self._now().date()
[docs] @cached_property
def is_expired(self) -> bool:
"""Return :const:`True` if this test already expired."""
return self._now() >= self.expires
[docs] @cached_property
def short_case_name(self) -> str:
"""Return abbreviated case name."""
return self.case_name.split(".")[-1]
[docs]class TestReport(Record):
"""Report after test execution."""
case_name: str
state: State
test: Optional[TestExecution]
runtime: Optional[float]
signal_latency: Dict[str, float]
error: Optional[str]
traceback: Optional[str]