Source code for faust.livecheck.locals

"""Locals - Current test & execution context."""

import typing
from typing import Optional

from mode.locals import LocalStack

from .models import TestExecution

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from .runners import TestRunner as _TestRunner
else:  # pragma: no cover

    class _TestRunner: ...  # noqa

__all__ = [

current_test_stack: LocalStack[TestExecution]
current_test_stack = LocalStack()

current_execution_stack: LocalStack[_TestRunner]
current_execution_stack = LocalStack()

[docs]def current_execution() -> Optional[_TestRunner]: """Return the current :class:`~faust.livecheck.TestRunner`.""" return
[docs]def current_test() -> Optional[TestExecution]: """Return information about the current test (if any).""" return