Source code for faust.assignor.client_assignment

"""Client Assignment."""

import copy
from typing import List, Mapping, MutableMapping, Sequence, Set, Tuple, cast

from faust.models import Record
from faust.types import TP
from faust.types.assignor import HostToPartitionMap
from faust.types.tables import TableManagerT

<{name} actives={self.actives} standbys={self.standbys} topics={self.topics}>

[docs]class CopartitionedAssignment: """Copartitioned Assignment.""" actives: Set[int] standbys: Set[int] topics: Set[str] def __init__( self, actives: Set[int] = None, standbys: Set[int] = None, topics: Set[str] = None, ) -> None: self.actives = actives or set() self.standbys = standbys or set() self.topics = topics or set()
[docs] def validate(self) -> None: if not self.actives.isdisjoint(self.standbys): self.standbys.difference_update(self.actives)
[docs] def num_assigned(self, active: bool) -> int: return len(self.get_assigned_partitions(active))
[docs] def get_unassigned(self, num_partitions: int, active: bool) -> Set[int]: partitions = self.get_assigned_partitions(active) all_partitions = set(range(num_partitions)) assert partitions.issubset(all_partitions) return all_partitions.difference(partitions)
[docs] def pop_partition(self, active: bool) -> int: return self.get_assigned_partitions(active).pop()
[docs] def unassign_partition(self, partition: int, active: bool) -> None: return self.get_assigned_partitions(active).remove(partition)
[docs] def assign_partition(self, partition: int, active: bool) -> None: self.get_assigned_partitions(active).add(partition)
[docs] def unassign_extras(self, capacity: int, replicas: int) -> None: while len(self.actives) > capacity: self.actives.pop() while len(self.standbys) > capacity * replicas: self.standbys.pop()
[docs] def partition_assigned(self, partition: int, active: bool) -> bool: return partition in self.get_assigned_partitions(active)
[docs] def promote_standby_to_active(self, standby_partition: int) -> None: assert standby_partition in self.standbys, "Not standby for partition" self.standbys.remove(standby_partition) self.actives.add(standby_partition)
[docs] def get_assigned_partitions(self, active: bool) -> Set[int]: return self.actives if active else self.standbys
[docs] def can_assign(self, partition: int, active: bool) -> bool: return not self.partition_assigned(partition, active) and ( active or not self.partition_assigned(partition, active=True) )
def __repr__(self) -> str: return R_COPART_ASSIGNMENT.format( name=type(self).__name__, self=self, )
[docs]class ClientAssignment( Record, serializer="json", include_metadata=False, namespace="@ClientAssignment" ): """Client Assignment data model.""" actives: MutableMapping[str, List[int]] # Topic -> Partition standbys: MutableMapping[str, List[int]] # Topic -> Partition @property def active_tps(self) -> Set[TP]: return self._get_tps(active=True) @property def standby_tps(self) -> Set[TP]: return self._get_tps(active=False) def _get_tps(self, active: bool) -> Set[TP]: assignment = self.actives if active else self.standbys return { TP(topic=topic, partition=partition) for topic, partitions in assignment.items() for partition in partitions }
[docs] def kafka_protocol_assignment( self, table_manager: TableManagerT ) -> Sequence[Tuple[str, List[int]]]: assignment: MutableMapping[str, List[int]] = copy.deepcopy(self.actives) for topic, partitions in self.standbys.items(): if topic in table_manager.changelog_topics: if topic not in assignment: assignment[topic] = [] assignment[topic].extend(partitions) return list(assignment.items())
[docs] def add_copartitioned_assignment(self, assignment: CopartitionedAssignment) -> None: assigned = set(self.actives.keys()).union(set(self.standbys.keys())) assert not any(topic in assigned for topic in assignment.topics) for topic in assignment.topics: self.actives[topic] = list(assignment.actives) self.standbys[topic] = list(assignment.standbys)
[docs] def copartitioned_assignment(self, topics: Set[str]) -> CopartitionedAssignment: assignment = CopartitionedAssignment( actives=self._colocated_partitions(topics, active=True), standbys=self._colocated_partitions(topics, active=False), topics=topics, ) assignment.validate() return assignment
def _colocated_partitions(self, topics: Set[str], active: bool) -> Set[int]: assignment = self.actives if active else self.standbys # We take the first partition set for a topic which has a valid # assignment assuming subscription changes with co-partitioned topic # groups will be rare. topic_assignments = (set(assignment.get(t, set())) for t in topics) valid_partitions = (p for p in topic_assignments if p) return next(valid_partitions, set())
[docs]class ClientMetadata( Record, serializer="json", include_metadata=False, namespace="@ClientMetadata" ): """Client Metadata data model.""" assignment: ClientAssignment url: str changelog_distribution: HostToPartitionMap external_topic_distribution: HostToPartitionMap = cast(HostToPartitionMap, {}) topic_groups: Mapping[str, int] = cast(Mapping[str, int], None) def __post_init__(self) -> None: if self.topic_groups is None: self.topic_groups = {}