.. _guide-models: ===================================== Models, Serialization, and Codecs ===================================== .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 .. module:: faust :noindex: .. currentmodule:: faust Basics ====== Models describe the fields of data structures used as keys and values in messages. They're defined using a ``NamedTuple``-like syntax:: class Point(Record, serializer='json'): x: int y: int Here we define a "Point" record having ``x``, and ``y`` fields of type int. A record is a model of the dictionary type, having keys and values of a certain type. When using JSON as the serialization format, the Point model serializes to: .. sourcecode:: pycon >>> Point(x=10, y=100).dumps() {"x": 10, "y": 100} To temporarily use a different serializer, provide that as an argument to ``.dumps``: .. sourcecode:: pycon >>> Point(x=10, y=100).dumps(serializer='pickle') # pickle + Base64 b'gAN9cQAoWAEAAAB4cQFLClgBAAAAeXECS2RYBwAAAF9fZmF1c3RxA31xBFg CAAAAbnNxBVgOAAAAX19tYWluX18uUG9pbnRxBnN1Lg==' "Record" is the only type supported, but in the future we also want to have arrays and other data structures. In use ====== Models are useful when data needs to be serialized/deserialized, or whenever you just want a quick way to define data. In Faust we use models to: - Describe the data used in streams (topic keys and values). - HTTP requests (POST data). For example here's a topic where both keys and values are points: .. sourcecode:: python my_topic = faust.topic('mytopic', key_type=Point, value_type=Point) @app.agent(my_topic) async def task(events): async for event in events: print(event) .. warning:: Changing the type of a topic is backward incompatible change. You need to restart all Faust instances using the old key/value types. The best practice is to provide an upgrade path for old instances. The topic already knows what type is required, so when sending data you just provide the values as-is: .. sourcecode:: python await my_topic.send(key=Point(x=10, y=20), value=Point(x=30, y=10)) .. admonition:: Anonymous Agents An "anonymous" agent does not use a topic description. Instead the agent will automatically create and manage its own topic under the hood. To define the key and value type of such an agent just pass them as keyword arguments: .. sourcecode:: python @app.agent(key_type=Point, value_type=Point) async def my_agent(events): async for event in events: print(event) Now instead of having a topic where we can send messages, we can use the agent directly: .. sourcecode:: python await my_agent.send(key=Point(x=10, y=20), value=Point(x=30, y=10)) .. _model-schemas: Schemas ======= A "schema" configures both key and value type for a topic, and also the serializers used. Schemas are also able to read the headers of Kafka messages, and so can be used for more complex serialization support, such as `Protocol Buffers`_ or `Apache Thrift`_. .. _`Protocol Buffers`: https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/ .. _`Apache Thrift`: https://thrift.apache.org To define a topic using a schema: .. sourcecode:: python schema = faust.Schema( key_type=Point, value_type=Point, key_serializer='json', value_serializer='json', ) topic = app.topic('mytopic', schema=schema) If any of the serializer arguments are omitted, the default from the app configuration will be used. Schemas can also be used with "anonymous agents" (see above) .. sourcecode:: python @app.agent(schema=schema) async def myagent(stream): async for value in stream: print(value) Schemas are most useful when extending Faust, for example defining a schema that reads message key and value type from Kafka headers: .. sourcecode:: python import faust from faust.types import ModelT from faust.types.core import merge_headers from faust.models import registry class Autodetect(faust.Schema): def loads_key(self, app, message, *, loads=None, serializer=None): if loads is None: loads = app.serializers.loads_key # try to get key_type and serializer from Kafka headers headers = dict(message.headers) key_type_name = headers.get('KeyType') serializer = serializer or headers.get('KeySerializer') if key_type_name: key_type = registry[key_type] return loads(key_type, message.key, serializer=serializer) else: return super().loads_key( app, message, loads=loads, serializer=serializer) def loads_value(self, app, message, *, loads=None, serializer=None): if loads is None: loads = app.serializers.loads_value # try to get value_type and serializer from Kafka headers headers = dict(message.headers) value_type_name = headers.get('ValueType') serializer = serializer or headers.get('ValueSerializer') if value_type_name: value_type = registry[value_type_name] return loads(value_type, message.value, serializer=serializer) else: return super().loads_value( app, message, loads=loads, serializer=serializer) def on_dumps_key_prepare_headers(self, key, headers): # If key is a model, set the KeyType header to the models # registered name. if isinstance(key, ModelT): key_type_name = key._options.namespace return merge_headers(headers, {'KeyType': key_type_name}) return headers def on_dumps_value_prepare_headers(self, value, headers): if isinstance(value, ModelT): value_type_name = value._options.namespace return merge_headers(headers, {'ValueType': value_type_name}) return headers app = faust.App('id') my_topic = app.topic('mytopic', schema=Autodetect()) Manual Serialization ==================== Models are not required to read data from a stream. To deserialize streams manually, use a topic with bytes values: .. sourcecode:: python topic = app.topic('custom', value_type=bytes) @app.agent async def processor(stream): async for payload in stream: data = json.loads(payload) To integrate with external systems, :ref:`codecs` help you support serialization and de-serialization to and from any format. Models describe the form of messages, and codecs explain how they're serialized, compressed, encoded, and so on. The default codec is configured by the applications ``key_serializer`` and ``value_serializer`` arguments:: app = faust.App(key_serializer='json') Individual models can override the default by specifying a ``serializer`` argument when creating the model class: .. sourcecode:: python class MyRecord(Record, serializer='json'): ... Codecs may also be combined to provide multiple encoding and decoding stages, for example ``serializer='json|binary'`` will serialize as JSON then use the Base64 encoding to prepare the payload for transmission over textual transports. .. seealso:: - The :ref:`codecs` section -- for more information about codecs and how to define your own. .. topic:: Sending/receiving raw values You don't have to use models to deserialize events in topics. instead you may omit the ``key_type``/``value_type`` options, and instead use the ``key_serializer``/``value_serializer`` arguments: .. sourcecode:: python # examples/nondescript.py import faust app = faust.App('values') transfers_topic = app.topic('transfers') large_transfers_topic = app.topic('large_transfers') @app.agent(transfers_topic) async def find_large_transfers(transfers): async for transfer in transfers: if transfer['amount'] > 1000.0: await large_transfers_topic.send(value=transfer) async def send_transfer(account_id, amount): await transfers_topic.send(value={ 'account_id': account_id, 'amount': amount, }) The ``raw`` serializer will provide you with raw text/bytes (the default is bytes, but use ``key_type=str`` to specify text): .. sourcecode:: python transfers_topic = app.topic('transfers', value_serializer='raw') You may also specify any other supported codec, such as json to use that directly: .. sourcecode:: python transfers_topic = app.topic('transfers', value_serializer='json') Model Types =========== Records ------- A record is a model based on a dictionary/mapping. Here's a simple record describing a 2d point, having two required fields: .. sourcecode:: python class Point(faust.Record): x: int y: int To create a new point, provide the fields as keyword arguments: .. sourcecode:: pycon >>> point = Point(x=10, y=20) >>> point If you forget to pass a required field, we throw an error: .. sourcecode:: pycon >>> point = Point(x=10) .. sourcecode:: pytb Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "/opt/devel/faust/faust/models/record.py", line 96, in __init__ self._init_fields(fields) File "/opt/devel/faust/faust/models/record.py", line 106, in _init_fields type(self).__name__, ', '.join(sorted(missing)))) TypeError: Point missing required arguments: y If you don't want it to be an error, make it an optional field: .. sourcecode:: python class Point(faust.Record, serializer='json'): x: int y: int = 0 You may now omit the ``y`` field when creating points: .. sourcecode:: python >>> point = Point(x=10) .. note:: The order is important here: all optional fields must be defined **after** all requred fields. This is not allowed: .. code-block:: python class Point(faust.Record, serializer='json'): x: int y: int = 0 z: int but this works: .. code-block:: python class Point(faust.Record, serializer='json') x: int z: int y: int = 0 .. _model-fields: Fields ====== Records may have fields of arbitrary types and both standard Python types and user defined classes will work. Note that field types must support serialization, otherwise we cannot reconstruct the object back to original form. Fields may refer to other models: .. sourcecode:: python class Account(faust.Record, serializer='json'): id: str balance: float class Transfer(faust.Record, serializer='json'): account: Account amount: float transfer = Transfer( account=Account(id='RBH1235678', balance=13000.0), amount=1000.0, ) The field type is a type annotation, so you can use the :pypi:`mypy` type checker to verify arguments passed have the correct type. We do not perform any type checking at runtime. Collections ----------- Fields can be collections of another type. For example a User model may have a list of accounts: .. sourcecode:: python from typing import List import faust class User(faust.Record): accounts: List[Account] Not only lists are supported, you can also use dictionaries, sets and others. Consult this table of supported annotations: =========== ================================================================= Collection Recognized Annotations =========== ================================================================= List - :class:`List[ModelT] ` - :class:`Sequence[ModelT] ` - :class:`MutableSequence[ModelT] ` Set - :class:`AbstractSet[ModelT] ` - :class:`Set[ModelT] ` - :class:`MutableSet[ModelT] ` Tuple - :class:`Tuple[ModelT, ...] ` - :class:`Tuple[ModelT, ModelT, str] ` Mapping - :class:`Dict[KT, ModelT] ` - :class:`Dict[ModelT, ModelT] ` - :class:`Mapping[KT, ModelT] ` - :class:`MutableMapping[KT, ModelT] ` =========== ================================================================= From this table we can tell that we may have a *mapping* of username to account: .. sourcecode:: python from typing import Mapping import faust class User(faust.Record): accounts: Mapping[str, Account] Faust will then automatically reconstruct the ``User.accounts`` field into a mapping of account-ids to ``Account`` objects. Coercion -------- By default we do not force types, this is for backward compatibility with older Faust application. This means that a field of type :class:`str` will happily accept :const:`None` as value, and any other type. If you want strict types enable the ``coerce`` option: .. sourcecode:: python class X(faust.Record, coerce=True): foo: str bar: Optional[str] Here, the ``foo`` field will be required to be a string, while the ``bar`` field can have :const:`None` values. .. tip:: Having ``validation=True`` implies ``coerce=True`` but will additionally enable field validation. See :ref:`model-validation` for more information. Coercion also enables automatic conversion to and from :class:`~datetime.datetime` and :class:`~decimal.Decimal`. You may also disable coercion for the class, but enable it for individual fields by writing explicit field descriptors: .. sourcecode:: python import faust from faust.models.fields import DatetimeField, StringField class Account(faust.Record): user_id: str = StringField(coerce=True) date_joined: datetime = DatetimeField(coerce=False) login_dates: List[datetime] = DatetimeField(coerce=True) :class:`~datetime.datetime` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When using JSON we automatically convert :class:`~datetime.datetime` fields into ISO-8601 text format, and automatically convert back into into :class:`~datetime.datetime` when deserializing. .. sourcecode:: python from datetime import datetime import faust class Account(faust.Record, coerce=True, serializer='json'): date_joined: datetime Other date formats ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The default date parser supports ISO-8601 only. To support this format and many other formats (such as ``'Sat Jan 12 00:44:36 +0000 2019'``) you can select to use :pypi:`python-dateutil` as the parser. To change the date parsing function for a model globally: .. sourcecode:: python from dateutil.parser import parse as parse_date class Account(faust.Record, coerce=True, date_parser=parse_date): date_joined: datetime To change the date parsing function for a specific field: .. sourcecode:: python from dateutil.parser import parse as parse_date from faust.models.fields import DatetimeField class Account(faust.Record, coerce=True): # date_joined: supports ISO-8601 only (default) date_joined: datetime #: date_last_login: comes from weird system with more human #: readable dates ('Sat Jan 12 00:44:36 +0000 2019'). #: The dateutil parser can handle many different date and time #: formats. date_last_login: datetime = DatetimeField(date_parser=parse_date) :class:`~decimal.Decimal` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JSON doesn't have a high precision decimal field type so if you require high precision you must use :class:`~decimal.Decimal`. The built-in JSON encoder will convert these to strings in the json payload, that way we do not lose any precision. .. sourcecode:: python from decimal import Decimal import faust class Order(faust.Record, coerce=True, serializer='json'): price: Decimal quantity: Decimal Abstract Models --------------- To create a model base class with common functionality, mark the model class with ``abstract=True``. Abstract models must be inherited from, and cannot be instantiated directly. Here's an example base class with default fields for creation time and last modified time: .. sourcecode:: python class MyBaseRecord(Record, abstract=True): time_created: Optional[float] = None time_modified: Optional[float] = None Inherit from this model to create a new model having the fields by default: .. sourcecode:: python class Account(MyBaseRecord): id: str account = Account(id='X', time_created=3124312.3442) print(account.time_created) Positional Arguments -------------------- The best practice when creating model instances is to use keyword arguments, but positional arguments are also supported! The point ``Point(x=10, y=30)`` may also be expressed as ``Point(10, 30)``. Back to why this is not a good practice, consider the case of inheritance: .. sourcecode:: python import faust class Point(faust.Record): x: int y: int class XYZPoint(Point): z: int point = XYZPoint(10, 20, 30) assert (point.x, point.y, point.z) == (10, 20, 30) To deduce the order arguments we now have to consider the inheritance tree, this is difficult without looking up the source code. This quickly turns even more complicated when we add multiple inheritance into the mix: .. sourcecode:: python class Point(AModel, BModel): ... We suggest using positional arguments only for simple classes such as the Point example, where inheritance of additional fields is not used. Fields with the same name as a reserved keyword ----------------------------------------------- Sometimes the data you want to describe will contain field names that collide with a reserved Python keyword. One such example is a field named ``in``. You cannot define a model like this: .. sourcecode:: python class OpenAPIParameter(Record): in: str = 'query' doing so will result in a :exc:`NameError` exception being raised. To properly support this, you need to rename the field but specify an alternative ``input_name``: .. sourcecode:: python from faust.models.fields import StringField class OpenAPIParameter(Record): location: str = StringField(default='query', input_name='in') The ``input_name`` here describes the name of the field in serialized payloads. There's also a corresponding ``output_name`` that can be used to specify what field name this field deserializes to. The default output name is the same as the input name. Polymorphic Fields ------------------ Felds can refer to other models, such as an account with a user field: .. sourcecode:: python class User(faust.Record): id: str first_name: str last_name: str class Account(faust.Record): user: User balance: Decimal This is a strict relationship: the value for Account.user can only be an instance of the ``User`` type. *Polymorphic fields* are also supported, where the type of the field is decided at runtime. Consider an Article models with a list of assets where the type of asset is decided at runtime: .. sourcecode:: python class Asset(faust.Record): url: str type: str class ImageAsset(Asset): type = 'image' class VideoAsset(Asset): runtime_seconds: float type = 'video' class Article(faust.Record, polymorphic_fields=True): assets: List[Asset] How does this work? Faust models add additional metadata when serialized, just look at the payload for one of our accounts: .. sourcecode:: pycon >>> user = User( ... id='07ecaebf-48c4-4c9e-92ad-d16d2f4a9a19', ... first_name='Franz', ... last_name='Kafka', ... ) >>> account = Account( ... user=user, ... balance='12.3', ) >>> from pprint import pprint >>> pprint(account.to_representation()) { '__faust': {'ns': 't.Account'}, 'balance': Decimal('12.3'), 'user': { '__faust': {'ns': 't.User'}, 'first_name': 'Franz', 'id': '07ecaebf-48c4-4c9e-92ad-d16d2f4a9a19', 'last_name': 'Kafka', }, } Here the metadata section is the ``__faust`` field, and it contains the name of the model that generated this payload. By default we don't use this name for anything at all, but we do if polymorphic fields are enabled. Why is it disabled by default? There is often a mismatch between the name of the class used to produce the event, and the class we want to reconstruct it as. Imagine a producer is using an outdated version, or model cannot be shared between systems (this happens when using different programming languages, integrating with proprietary systems, and so on.) The namespace ``ns`` contains the fully qualified name of the model class (in this example ``t.User``). Faust will keep an index of model names, and whenever you define a new model class we add it to this index. .. note:: If you're trying to deserialize a model but it complains that it does not exist, you probably forgot to import this model before using it. For the same reason you should not be renaming classes without having a strategy to do so in a forward compatible manner. .. _model-validation: Validation ---------- For models there is no validation of data by default: if you have a field described as an int, it will happily accept a string or any other object that you pass to it: .. sourcecode:: pycon >>> class Person(faust.Record): ... age: int ... >>> p = Person(age="foo") >>> p.age "foo" However, there is an option that will enable validation for all common JSON fields (:class:`int`, :class:`float`, :class:`str`, etc.), and some commonly used Python ones (:class:`~datetime.datetime`, :class:`~decimal.Decimal`, etc.) .. sourcecode:: pycon >>> class Person(faust.Record, validation=True): ... age: int >>> p = Person(age="foo") .. sourcecode:: pytb Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ValidationError: Invalid type for int field 'age': 'foo' (str) For things like web forms raising an error automatically is not a good solution, as the client will usually want a list of all errors. So in web views we suggest disabling automatic validation, and instead manually validating the model by calling ``model.validate()``. to get a list of :class:`ValidationError` instances. .. sourcecode:: pycon >>> class Person(faust.Record): ... age: int ... name: str >>> p = Person(age="Gordon Gekko", name="32") >>> p.validate() [ ('age': ValidationError( "Invalid type for int field 'age': 'Gordon Gekko' (str)"), ('name': ValidationError( "Invalid type for str field 'name': 32 (int)")), ] Advanced Validation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you have a field you want validation for, you may explicitly define the field descriptor for the field you want validation on (note: this will override the built-in validation for that field). This will also enable you to access more validation options, such as the maximum number of characters for a string, or a minmum value for an integer: .. sourcecode:: python class Person(faust.Record, validation=True): age: int = IntegerField(min_value=18, max_value=99) name: str Custom field types ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You may define a custom :class:`~faust.models.FieldDescriptor` subclass to perform your own validation: .. sourcecode:: python from typing import Any, Iterable, List from faust.exceptions import ValidationError from faust.models import FieldDescriptor class ChoiceField(FieldDescriptor[str]): def __init__(self, choices: List[str], **kwargs: Any) -> None: self.choices = choices # Must pass any custom args to init, # so we pass the choices keyword argument also here. super().__init__(choices=choices, **kwargs) def validate(self, value: str) -> Iterable[ValidationError]: if value not in self.choices: choices = ', '.join(self.choices) yield self.validation_error( f'{self.field} must be one of {choices}') After defining the subclass you may use it to define model fields: .. sourcecode:: pycon >>> class Order(faust.Record): ... side: str = ChoiceField(['SELL', 'BUY']) >>> Order(side='LEFT') faust.exceptions.ValidationError: ( 'side must be one of SELL, BUY', ) .. _model-field-exclude: Excluding fields from representation ------------------------------------ If you want your model to accept a certain field when deserializing, but exclude the same field from serialization, you can do so by marking that field as ``exclude=True``: .. sourcecode:: python import faust from faust.models.fields import StringField class Order(faust.Record): price: float quantity: float user_id: str = StringField(required=True, exclude=True) This model will accept ``user_id`` as a keyword argument, and from any serialized structure: .. sourcecode:: pycon >>> order = Order(price=30.0, quantity=2.0, user_id='foo') >>> order.user_id 'foo' >>> order2 = Order.loads( ... '{"price": "30.0", quantity="2.0", "user_id": "foo"}', ... serializer='json', ... ) >>> order2.user_id 'foo' But when serializing the order, the field will be excluded: .. sourcecode:: pycon >>> order.asdict() {'price': 30.0, 'quantity': 2.0} >>> order.dumps(serializer='json') '{"price": "30.0", "quantity": "2.0"}' Reference ~~~~~~~~~ Serialization/Deserialization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. class:: Record :noindex: .. automethod:: loads :noindex: .. automethod:: dumps :noindex: .. automethod:: to_representation :noindex: .. automethod:: from_data :noindex: .. automethod:: derive :noindex: .. attribute:: _options :noindex: Model metadata for introspection. An instance of :class:`faust.types.models.ModelOptions`. .. class:: ModelOptions :noindex: .. autoattribute:: fields :noindex: .. autoattribute:: fieldset :noindex: .. autoattribute:: fieldpos :noindex: .. autoattribute:: optionalset :noindex: .. autoattribute:: coercions :noindex: .. autoattribute:: defaults :noindex: .. _codecs: Codecs ====== Supported codecs ---------------- * **raw** - no encoding/serialization (bytes only). * **json** - :mod:`json` with UTF-8 encoding. * **pickle** - :mod:`pickle` with Base64 encoding (not URL-safe). * **binary** - Base64 encoding (not URL-safe). Encodings are not URL-safe if the encoded payload cannot be embedded directly into a URL query parameter. Serialization by name --------------------- The :func:`dumps` function takes a codec name and the object to encode as arguments, and returns bytes .. sourcecode:: pycon >>> s = dumps('json', obj) In reverse direction, the :func:`loads` function takes a codec name and an encoded payload to decode (in bytes), as arguments, and returns a reconstruction of the serialized object: .. sourcecode:: pycon >>> obj = loads('json', s) When passing in the codec type as a string (as in ``loads('json', ...)`` above), you can also combine multiple codecs to form a pipeline, for example ``"json|gzip"`` combines JSON serialization with gzip compression: .. sourcecode:: pycon >>> obj = loads('json|gzip', s) Codec registry -------------- All codecs have a name and the :attr:`faust.serializers.codecs` attribute maintains a mapping from name to :class:`Codec` instance. You can add a new codec to this mapping by executing: .. sourcecode:: pycon >>> from faust.serializers import codecs >>> codecs.register(custom, custom_serializer()) To create a new codec, you need to define only two methods: first you need the ``_loads()`` method to deserialize bytes, then you need the ``_dumps()`` method to serialize an object: .. sourcecode:: python import msgpack from faust.serializers import codecs class raw_msgpack(codecs.Codec): def _dumps(self, obj: Any) -> bytes: return msgpack.dumps(obj) def _loads(self, s: bytes) -> Any: return msgpack.loads(s) We use ``msgpack.dumps`` to serialize, and our codec now encodes to raw msgpack format. You may also combine the Base64 codec to support transports unable to handle binary data (such as HTTP or Redis): Combining codecs is done using the ``|`` operator: .. sourcecode:: python def msgpack() -> codecs.Codec: return raw_msgpack() | codecs.binary() codecs.register('msgpack', msgpack()) .. sourcecode:: pycon >>> import my_msgpack_codec >>> from faust import Record >>> class Point(Record, serializer='msgpack'): ... x: int ... y: int At this point we have to import the codec every time we want to use it, that is very cumbersome. Faust also supports registering *codec extensions* using :pypi:`setuptools` entry-points, so instead lets create an installable msgpack extension! Define a package with the following directory layout: .. sourcecode:: text faust-msgpack/ setup.py faust_msgpack.py The first file (:file:`faust-msgpack/setup.py`) defines metadata about our package and should look like: .. sourcecode:: python import setuptools setuptools.setup( name='faust-msgpack', version='1.0.0', description='Faust msgpack serialization support', author='Ola A. Normann', author_email='ola@normann.no', url='http://github.com/example/faust-msgpack', platforms=['any'], license='BSD', packages=find_packages(exclude=['ez_setup', 'tests', 'tests.*']), zip_safe=False, install_requires=['msgpack-python'], tests_require=[], entry_points={ 'faust.codecs': [ 'msgpack = faust_msgpack:msgpack', ], }, ) The most important part here is the ``entry_points`` section that tells setuptools how to load our plugin. We have set the name of our codec to ``msgpack`` and the path to the codec class to be ``faust_msgpack:msgpack``. Faust imports this as it would do ``from faust_msgpack import msgpack``, so we need to define hat part next in our :file:`faust-msgpack/faust_msgpack.py` module: .. sourcecode:: python from faust.serializers import codecs class raw_msgpack(codecs.Codec): def _dumps(self, obj: Any) -> bytes: return msgpack.dumps(s) def msgpack() -> codecs.Codec: return raw_msgpack() | codecs.binary() That's it! To install and use our new extension do: .. sourcecode:: console $ python setup.py install At this point you can publish this to PyPI so it can be shared with other Faust users.