.. _guide-vscelery: ============================= Overview: Faust vs. Celery ============================= Faust is a stream processor, so what does it have in common with Celery? If you've used tools such as Celery in the past, you can think of Faust as being able to not only run tasks, but for tasks to keep a history of everything that has happened so far. That is tasks ("agents" in Faust) can keep state, and also replicate that state to a cluster of Faust worker instances. If you have used :pypi:`Celery` you probably know tasks such as this: .. sourcecode:: python from celery import Celery app = Celery(broker='amqp://') @app.task() def add(x, y): return x + y if __name__ == '__main__': add.delay(2, 2) Faust uses Kafka as a broker, not RabbitMQ, and Kafka behaves differently from the queues you may know from brokers using AMQP/Redis/Amazon SQS/and so on. Kafka doesn't have queues, instead it has "topics" that can work pretty much the same way as queues. A topic is a log structure so you can go forwards and backwards in time to retrieve the history of messages sent. The Celery task above can be rewritten in Faust like this: .. sourcecode:: python import faust app = faust.App('myapp', broker='kafka://') class AddOperation(faust.Record): x: int y: int @app.agent() async def add(stream): async for op in stream: yield op.x + op.y @app.command() async def produce(): await add.send(value=AddOperation(2, 2)) if __name__ == '__main__': app.main() Faust also support storing state with the task (see :ref:`guide-tables`), and it supports leader election which is useful for things such as locks. **Learn more about Faust in the** :ref:`introduction` **introduction page** to read more about Faust, system requirements, installation instructions, community resources, and more. **or go directly to the** :ref:`quickstart` **tutorial** to see Faust in action by programming a streaming application. **then explore the** :ref:`User Guide ` for in-depth information organized by topic.