.. _changelog-1.9: ============================== Change history for Faust 1.9 ============================== This document contain change notes for bugfix releases in the Faust 1.9.x series. If you're looking for changes in the latest series, please visit the latest :ref:`changelog`. For even older releases you can visit the :ref:`history` section. .. _version-1.9.0: 1.9.0 ===== :release-date: 2019-10-29 2:35 A.M PST :release-by: Ask Solem (:github_user:`ask`) - **Requirements** + Now depends on :pypi:`robinhood-aiokafka` 1.1.3 Several issues fixed by Vikram Patki (:github_user:`patkivikram`): - https://github.com/robinhood/aiokafka/pull/14 - https://github.com/robinhood/aiokafka/pull/12 - https://github.com/robinhood/aiokafka/pull/11 - https://github.com/robinhood/aiokafka/pull/10 + Now depends on :ref:`Mode 4.1.3 `. - **Stream**: ``group_by`` no longer repeats prefix in autogenerated repartition topic name. This change is backwards incompatible as the name of repartition topics will change. - **Consumer**: Fixed livelock offset not advancing message (Issue #450). Contributed by Dhruva Patil (:github_user:`DhruvaPatil98`). - **Consumer**: Fixed Out of Memory error when gaps in topic offsets are very large. Fix contributed by Vikram Patki (:github_user:`patkivikram`). - **Table**: Windowed tables now supports an ``on_window_close`` callback that is called whenever a window expires (Issue #446). For an example see :file:`examples/windowed_aggregation.py` in the Faust source distribution. Contributed by Leandro Vonwerra (:github_user:`lvwerra`). - **Table**: Fixed issue with worker startup crash when global tables are used. - **Web**: Views now support the ``SEARCH`` HTTP method (Issue #460). Contributed by Ignacio Peluffo (:github_user:`ipeluffo`). - **Table**: Global table changes are now instantly reflected on other nodes (Issue #451). The default ``standby_buffer_size`` setting for tables was set to 1000 also for global tables, which means changes will only be seen in batches of thousands. We now set this to 1 for global tables, so changes are applied immediately as they arrive. - **Opentracing**: Trace category now includes application name. This means that where before the categories were ``_aiokafka`` and ``_faust`` these are now ``{app_name}-_aiokafka`` and ``{app_name}-_faust``. - **Opentracing**: Traces for :pypi:`aiokafka` Kafka rebalances are now consolidated so traces for the same generation are grouped together. This change also adds a lot more context for spans in the rebalancing trace. - **Documentation** fixes by: + Archit Dwivedi (:github_user:`archit0`).