.. _contributing: ============== Contributing ============== Welcome! This document is fairly extensive and you aren't really expected to study this in detail for small contributions; The most important rule is that contributing must be easy and that the community is friendly and not nitpicking on details, such as coding style. If you're reporting a bug you should read the Reporting bugs section below to ensure that your bug report contains enough information to successfully diagnose the issue, and if you're contributing code you should try to mimic the conventions you see surrounding the code you're working on, but in the end all patches will be cleaned up by the person merging the changes so don't worry too much. .. contents:: :local: .. _community-code-of-conduct: .. include:: includes/code-of-conduct.txt .. _reporting-bugs: Reporting Bugs ============== .. _vulnsec: Security -------- You must never report security related issues, vulnerabilities or bugs including sensitive information to the bug tracker, or elsewhere in public. Instead sensitive bugs must be sent by email to ``security@celeryproject.org``. If you'd like to submit the information encrypted our PGP key is:: -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.15 (Darwin) mQENBFJpWDkBCADFIc9/Fpgse4owLNvsTC7GYfnJL19XO0hnL99sPx+DPbfr+cSE 9wiU+Wp2TfUX7pCLEGrODiEP6ZCZbgtiPgId+JYvMxpP6GXbjiIlHRw1EQNH8RlX cVxy3rQfVv8PGGiJuyBBjxzvETHW25htVAZ5TI1+CkxmuyyEYqgZN2fNd0wEU19D +c10G1gSECbCQTCbacLSzdpngAt1Gkrc96r7wGHBBSvDaGDD2pFSkVuTLMbIRrVp lnKOPMsUijiip2EMr2DvfuXiUIUvaqInTPNWkDynLoh69ib5xC19CSVLONjkKBsr Pe+qAY29liBatatpXsydY7GIUzyBT3MzgMJlABEBAAG0MUNlbGVyeSBTZWN1cml0 eSBUZWFtIDxzZWN1cml0eUBjZWxlcnlwcm9qZWN0Lm9yZz6JATgEEwECACIFAlJp WDkCGwMGCwkIBwMCBhUIAgkKCwQWAgMBAh4BAheAAAoJEOArFOUDCicIw1IH/26f CViDC7/P13jr+srRdjAsWvQztia9HmTlY8cUnbmkR9w6b6j3F2ayw8VhkyFWgYEJ wtPBv8mHKADiVSFARS+0yGsfCkia5wDSQuIv6XqRlIrXUyqJbmF4NUFTyCZYoh+C ZiQpN9xGhFPr5QDlMx2izWg1rvWlG1jY2Es1v/xED3AeCOB1eUGvRe/uJHKjGv7J rj0pFcptZX+WDF22AN235WYwgJM6TrNfSu8sv8vNAQOVnsKcgsqhuwomSGsOfMQj LFzIn95MKBBU1G5wOs7JtwiV9jefGqJGBO2FAvOVbvPdK/saSnB+7K36dQcIHqms 5hU4Xj0RIJiod5idlRC5AQ0EUmlYOQEIAJs8OwHMkrdcvy9kk2HBVbdqhgAREMKy gmphDp7prRL9FqSY/dKpCbG0u82zyJypdb7QiaQ5pfPzPpQcd2dIcohkkh7G3E+e hS2L9AXHpwR26/PzMBXyr2iNnNc4vTksHvGVDxzFnRpka6vbI/hrrZmYNYh9EAiv uhE54b3/XhXwFgHjZXb9i8hgJ3nsO0pRwvUAM1bRGMbvf8e9F+kqgV0yWYNnh6QL 4Vpl1+epqp2RKPHyNQftbQyrAHXT9kQF9pPlx013MKYaFTADscuAp4T3dy7xmiwS crqMbZLzfrxfFOsNxTUGE5vmJCcm+mybAtRo4aV6ACohAO9NevMx8pUAEQEAAYkB HwQYAQIACQUCUmlYOQIbDAAKCRDgKxTlAwonCNFbB/9esir/f7TufE+isNqErzR/ aZKZo2WzZR9c75kbqo6J6DYuUHe6xI0OZ2qZ60iABDEZAiNXGulysFLCiPdatQ8x 8zt3DF9BMkEck54ZvAjpNSern6zfZb1jPYWZq3TKxlTs/GuCgBAuV4i5vDTZ7xK/ aF+OFY5zN7ciZHkqLgMiTZ+RhqRcK6FhVBP/Y7d9NlBOcDBTxxE1ZO1ute6n7guJ ciw4hfoRk8qNN19szZuq3UU64zpkM2sBsIFM9tGF2FADRxiOaOWZHmIyVZriPFqW RUwjSjs7jBVNq0Vy4fCu/5+e+XLOUBOoqtM5W7ELt0t1w9tXebtPEetV86in8fU2 =0chn -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Other bugs ---------- Bugs can always be described to the :ref:`mailing-list`, but the best way to report an issue and to ensure a timely response is to use the issue tracker. 1) **Create a GitHub account**. You need to `create a GitHub account`_ to be able to create new issues and participate in the discussion. .. _`create a GitHub account`: https://github.com/signup/free 2) **Determine if your bug is really a bug**. You shouldn't file a bug if you're requesting support. For that you can use the :ref:`mailing-list`, or :ref:`slack-channel`. 3) **Make sure your bug hasn't already been reported**. Search through the appropriate Issue tracker. If a bug like yours was found, check if you have new information that could be reported to help the developers fix the bug. 4) **Check if you're using the latest version**. A bug could be fixed by some other improvements and fixes - it might not have an existing report in the bug tracker. Make sure you're using the latest release of Faust. 5) **Collect information about the bug**. To have the best chance of having a bug fixed, we need to be able to easily reproduce the conditions that caused it. Most of the time this information will be from a Python traceback message, though some bugs might be in design, spelling or other errors on the website/docs/code. A) If the error is from a Python traceback, include it in the bug report. B) We also need to know what platform you're running (Windows, macOS, Linux, etc.), the version of your Python interpreter, and the version of Faust, and related packages that you were running when the bug occurred. C) If you're reporting a race condition or a deadlock, tracebacks can be hard to get or might not be that useful. Try to inspect the process to get more diagnostic data. Some ideas: * Collect tracing data using `strace`_(Linux), :command:`dtruss` (macOS), and :command:`ktrace` (BSD), `ltrace`_, and `lsof`_. D) Include the output from the :command:`faust report` command: .. sourcecode:: console $ faust -A proj report This will also include your configuration settings and it try to remove values for keys known to be sensitive, but make sure you also verify the information before submitting so that it doesn't contain confidential information like API tokens and authentication credentials. 6) **Submit the bug**. By default `GitHub`_ will email you to let you know when new comments have been made on your bug. In the event you've turned this feature off, you should check back on occasion to ensure you don't miss any questions a developer trying to fix the bug might ask. .. _`GitHub`: https://github.com .. _`strace`: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strace .. _`ltrace`: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ltrace .. _`lsof`: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lsof .. _issue-trackers: Issue Trackers -------------- Bugs for a package in the Faust ecosystem should be reported to the relevant issue tracker. * :pypi:`Faust` - https://github.com/faust-streaming/faust/issues * :pypi:`Mode` - https://github.com/faust-streaming/mode/issues If you're unsure of the origin of the bug you can ask the :ref:`mailing-list`, or just use the Faust issue tracker. Contributors guide to the code base =================================== There's a separate section for internal details, including details about the code base and a style guide. Read :ref:`developers-guide` for more! .. _versions: Versions ======== Version numbers consists of a major version, minor version and a release number. Faust uses the versioning semantics described by SemVer: http://semver.org. Stable releases are published at PyPI while development releases are only available in the GitHub git repository as tags. All version tags starts with ā€œvā€, so version 0.8.0 is the tag v0.8.0. .. _git-branches: Branches ======== Current active version branches: * dev (which git calls "master") (https://github.com/faust-streaming/faust/tree/master) * 1.0 (https://github.com/faust-streaming/faust/tree/1.0) You can see the state of any branch by looking at the Changelog: https://github.com/faust-streaming/faust/blob/master/Changelog.rst If the branch is in active development the topmost version info should contain meta-data like: .. sourcecode:: restructuredtext 2.4.0 ====== :release-date: TBA :status: DEVELOPMENT :branch: dev (git calls this master) The ``status`` field can be one of: * ``PLANNING`` The branch is currently experimental and in the planning stage. * ``DEVELOPMENT`` The branch is in active development, but the test suite should be passing and the product should be working and possible for users to test. * ``FROZEN`` The branch is frozen, and no more features will be accepted. When a branch is frozen the focus is on testing the version as much as possible before it is released. dev branch ---------- The dev branch (called "master" by git), is where development of the next version happens. Maintenance branches -------------------- Maintenance branches are named after the version -- for example, the maintenance branch for the 2.2.x series is named ``2.2``. Previously these were named ``releaseXX-maint``. The versions we currently maintain is: * 1.0 This is the current series. Archived branches ----------------- Archived branches are kept for preserving history only, and theoretically someone could provide patches for these if they depend on a series that's no longer officially supported. An archived version is named ``X.Y-archived``. Our currently archived branches are: We don't currently have any archived branches. Feature branches ---------------- Major new features are worked on in dedicated branches. There's no strict naming requirement for these branches. Feature branches are removed once they've been merged into a release branch. Tags ==== - Tags are used exclusively for tagging releases. A release tag is named with the format ``vX.Y.Z`` -- for example ``v2.3.1``. - Experimental releases contain an additional identifier ``vX.Y.Z-id`` -- for example ``v3.0.0-rc1``. - Experimental tags may be removed after the official release. .. _contributing-changes: Working on Features & Patches ============================= .. note:: Contributing to Faust should be as simple as possible, so none of these steps should be considered mandatory. You can even send in patches by email if that's your preferred work method. We won't like you any less, any contribution you make is always appreciated! However following these steps may make maintainers life easier, and may mean that your changes will be accepted sooner. Forking and setting up the repository ------------------------------------- Create your fork ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First you need to fork the Faust repository, a good introduction to this is in the GitHub Guide: `Fork a Repo`_. After you have cloned the repository you should checkout your copy to a directory on your machine: .. sourcecode:: console $ git clone git@github.com:username/faust.git When the repository is cloned enter the directory to set up easy access to upstream changes: .. sourcecode:: console $ cd faust $ git remote add upstream git://github.com/faust-streaming/faust.git $ git fetch upstream If you need to pull in new changes from upstream you should always use the ``--rebase`` option to ``git pull``: .. sourcecode:: console $ git pull --rebase upstream master With this option you don't clutter the history with merging commit notes. See `Rebasing merge commits in git`_. If you want to learn more about rebasing see the `Rebase`_ section in the GitHub guides. Start Developing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To start developing Faust you should install the requirements and setup the development environment so that Python uses the Faust development directory. To do so run: .. sourcecode:: console $ make develop If you want to install requirements manually you should at least install the git pre-commit hooks (the ``make develop`` command above automatically runs this as well): .. sourcecode:: console $ make hooks If you also want to install C extensions, including the RocksDB bindings then you can use `make cdevelop` instead of `make develop`: .. sourcecode:: console $ make cdevelop .. note:: If you need to work on a different branch than the one git calls ``master``, you can fetch and checkout a remote branch like this: .. sourcecode:: console $ git checkout --track -b 2.0-devel origin/2.0-devel .. _`Fork a Repo`: http://help.github.com/fork-a-repo/ .. _`Rebasing merge commits in git`: http://notes.envato.com/developers/rebasing-merge-commits-in-git/ .. _`Rebase`: http://help.github.com/rebase/ .. _contributing-testing: Running the test suite ---------------------- To run the Faust test suite you need to install a few dependencies. A complete list of the dependencies needed are located in :file:`requirements/test.txt`. Both the stable and the development version have testing related dependencies, so install these: .. sourcecode:: console $ pip install -U -r requirements/test.txt $ pip install -U -r requirements/default.txt After installing the dependencies required, you can now execute the test suite by calling :pypi:`py.test None: """Short description. More details. """ or: .. sourcecode:: python def method(self, arg: str) -> None: """Short description.""" but not this: .. sourcecode:: python def method(self, arg: str) -> None: """ Short description. """ * Lines shouldn't exceed 78 columns. You can enforce this in :command:`vim` by setting the ``textwidth`` option: .. sourcecode:: vim set textwidth=78 If adhering to this limit makes the code less readable, you have one more character to go on. This means 78 is a soft limit, and 79 is the hard limit :) * Import order * Python standard library * Third-party packages. * Other modules from the current package. or in case of code using Django: * Python standard library (`import xxx`) * Third-party packages. * Django packages. * Other modules from the current package. Within these sections the imports should be sorted by module name. Example: .. sourcecode:: python import threading import time from collections import deque from Queue import Queue, Empty from .platforms import Pidfile from .five import zip_longest, items, range from .utils.time import maybe_timedelta * Wild-card imports must not be used (`from xxx import *`). .. _feature-with-extras: Contributing features requiring additional libraries ==================================================== Some features like a new result backend may require additional libraries that the user must install. We use setuptools `extra_requires` for this, and all new optional features that require third-party libraries must be added. 1) Add a new requirements file in `requirements/extras` For the RocksDB store this is :file:`requirements/extras/rocksdb.txt`, and the file looks like this: .. sourcecode:: text python-rocksdb These are pip requirement files so you can have version specifiers and multiple packages are separated by newline. A more complex example could be: .. sourcecode:: text # python-rocksdb 2.0 breaks Foo python-rocksdb>=1.0,<2.0 thrift 2) Modify ``setup.py`` After the requirements file is added you need to add it as an option to :file:`setup.py` in the ``EXTENSIONS`` section:: EXTENSIONS = { 'debug', 'fast', 'rocksdb', 'uvloop', } 3) Document the new feature in :file:`docs/includes/installation.txt` You must add your feature to the list in the bundles section of :file:`docs/includes/installation.txt`. After you've made changes to this file you need to render the distro :file:`README` file: .. sourcecode:: console $ pip install -U requirements/dist.txt $ make readme .. _contact_information: Contacts ======== This is a list of people that can be contacted for questions regarding the official git repositories, PyPI packages Read the Docs pages. If the issue isn't an emergency then it's better to :ref:`report an issue `. Committers ---------- Ask Solem ~~~~~~~~~ :github: https://github.com/ask :twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/asksol Vineet Goel ~~~~~~~~~~~ :github: https://github.com/vineet-rh :twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/vineetik Arpan Shah ~~~~~~~~~~ :github: https://github.com/arpanshah29 .. _packages: Packages ======== ``Faust`` --------- :git: https://github.com/faust-streaming/faust :CI: https://app.travis-ci.com/github/faust-streaming/faust :Windows-CI: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/ask/faust :PyPI: :pypi:`faust-streaming` :docs: https://faust-streaming.github.io/faust/ ``Mode`` -------- :git: https://github.com/faust-streaming/mode/ :CI: https://www.travis-ci.com/github/faust-streaming/mode :Windows-CI: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/faust-streaming/mode :PyPI: :pypi:`mode-streaming` :docs: http://mode.readthedocs.io/ .. _release-procedure: Release Procedure ================= Updating the version number --------------------------- This is done automatically by `setuptools_scm`. Releasing --------- This is all done automatically on GitHub when a release is tagged in https://github.com/faust-streaming/faust/releases.